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The nightmare continues !

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FOUR DAYS IVE HAD THIS and I already gave it to my 8 month old I feel so ashamed he's a baby he never had the chance :( I noticed what I thought was diaper rash today to look a little too familiar took him to the doctor they swabbed will find out Monday but they started him on cream antiviral.. I know it is though it's already starting to look like mine. I've been so careful washing my hands I don't understand I thought it was suppose to be so hard to pass it this way!!! How did this happen?! Like it wasn't bad enough


Oh wow! Are you sure?? That is too unfortunate to believe... I don't see how it could happen like that. I'm believing it's sever diaper rash. Please hope for the better until the swab confirms... I AM.


Thank you I am too but it's concentrated solely on his testicles :( if anything I'm just glad I caught it quick enough to start meds so he won't be in as much pain as me. I don't know what to do I ESP don't know how to tell his dad


Aww honey... first - don't panic until you get the tests back. Is he having any other symptoms? Usually when kids get HSV2 they get fevers because they don't have as much to fight it with. You didn't mention anything like that either. And I really really don't see how you could have passed it to him there if you were washing hands and such .... so please, don't freak out until you get the results.


It's very possible that he has a staph infection ... that can show up as a bunch of blisters....


I have 2 daughters and didn't even know at the time that I needed to take extra precautions around them and they never got it.


(((HUGS))) my friend ... try not to get too freaked out until you have the results.


I'm trying not to freak out but I'm just so scared because it happened in the same week, IM still getting adjusted! I know it's suppose to be difficult to pass like this... The doctor straight up just said um I dont know. No opinion nothing :( Ugh thanks for the support.

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