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Today's life lesson

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Life is a lot like a classroom. It's full of studying, hard subjects, easy subjects, quizzes, and tests. You'll make friends with the person next to you, you'll lose friends when they move away. You'll face moments where you're called upon for the answer, and you'll delight when you turn in your homework and get an "A."


Today, life taught me a lesson. It's the hardest lesson I've ever learned. For me, it wasn't an easy lesson to learn as my abusive father had hidden the book, and my first love had given me the wrong notes to study from. Notes I've read and reread all these many years.


What's the lesson?


It's that I'm worth it. I'm worthy of being someone's first choice. I have an amazingly deep heart and an old soul full of wisdom to share with someone who loves me. It's not that I deserve it, it's that I'm worth it and that if someone doesn't see that, then they're not worthy of my love.

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How? As crazy as this sounds, I let my first love break my heart again. We hurt each other badly in our youth, and while time hasn't healed all the wounds, it has given us the maturity and experience to discuss them openly and honestly with one another. It was also true love/first love, and a couple of other things including a shared experience as children of abusive fathers. At the time, it created a perfect storm capable of causing great damage; now, after years of settling down and being addressed and resolved as adults, it appears it's created a combination to create healing.


I don't know where it's going right now. It's an ongoing journey that's not over yet and there's a lot of messages going back and forth. I'm posting the story if you want to read it.


I'll probably discover some other things during this course they call "Reconnecting 101." God only knows whether I'll pass the final test as the professor is a strict SOB and doesn't allow for make-up exams. Fortunately, he's put plenty of notes from reliable sources out there on the internet for me to study and learn from.

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