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It's been about a week since I was told I was "Exposed" to Herpes. I still don't have word on what kind or what the tests done included but I am scheduled for another test in the next couple of weeks as follow-up. Mind you this is a Urologist office in a large well funded Diagnostic clinic. They gave me no pamphlets they gave me no support... heck they wouldn't even tell me I have Herpes or explain to me that being EXPOSED is being POSITIVE for herpes. My Doctor simply said "You should disclose this to future partners, take care of yourself, use protection, and don't worry about it. If you see symptoms or are having physical issues come back and we can medicate" and sent me on my merry way.


As many of you who posted and I have read are devastated by the news. I myself am one of those people... I actually found out because I went in for suspicions on HPV and it turns out I have both HPV and Herpes! I think I had my first OB when I thought I had male yeast infection but deep down I knew better. The kicker to all this is that I learned it a week before my scheduled move date from Florida to Colorado. So as you can imagine that made things so much worse.


I did what most people did and tried to find the answer of "How this happened" I informed my past partners which were few and far between. Some were very understanding especially when they said with glee "Thank god I don't have it though! My tests are negative!" And that's how that all went I still have one Ex who has been tested and awaiting the results. So after all that I cleared my conscious having done what I felt was the best thing to do and what was right.


Thing is I am with someone it started off as a friends with benefits thing and quickly became something more. But since I was (am still hopefully) moving we tried our best to keep emotions at a distance. She was the only one I hadn't suspected or even thought to. She has been my best support offering me what she can while dealing with her own emotions. I don't know whether or not she is Positive for herpes or whether or not I may have given it to her unknowingly or vice versa. It really became less and less important. Herpes can be a huge issue for some and others it can be a quiet irritating menace that surfaces for others. I can't say I have never judged someone on Herpes... I remember a time in elementary school a friend of mine who everyone picked on because he would have cold-sores. I never understood back then what it was why it happened and why it didn't happen to me. When I told my Father he shrugged his shoulders and sighed doing his best to comfort me when I began to sob and it turns out my mother was Herpes positive Orally which I never knew about. She was my best friend someone I always knew I could turn too until she passed away from pancreatic cancer. I think this whole situation is so difficult because in the first week I had very little support with even less education. 90% of what's on the web about Herpes is utter rubbish IMO... to everyone using google please take my advice and realize that those WORST CASE photos of Herpes/HPV are most likely from people with Immune Deficiency Disorder.


So some positive notes... I know I can live with both HPV-Herpes. In hind-sight I can already feel this is a wake-up call. To become physically healthy to enhance my attitude that will lead a more positive life. I hope to become active with this community and I hope in the future I can be a voice and a face for not only Herpes/HPV but all STD's. What we aren't taught in school and what we aren't taught PERIOD.


Though some things I am concerned about is I want to live a more active life-style I am active outdoors and now the thought of having an OB on a 10 day hike seems... frightening. I want to workout and I'd really like input from people on their experience with it.


My name is Charlie I am twenty two (22) years old and I am herpes positive. Thank you for your time.



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Welcome Charlie! So glad you found us!


I'll let others tell you their experiences with exercise, but in general, many are not at all bothered by it. *Some* get OB's with it but I think that part may be that they need to change how they keep the area dry in between the times you exercise.


You sound like you are adjusting to it pretty well - and the more you read on here and learn the easier it will be to come to terms with it. And I for one am glad you are wanting to join us in helping to change how STD's are portrayed and how people are educated about them... we need all hands on deck here... glad to have you on board!



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Thank you WCSDancer2010. I'm sure as many I myself must say thank you. Your messages on others posts were enlightening and and reassuring. I must say I was very upset the first couple of days. I AM UPSET. But I am doing my best at taking this in stride.


I'd like to add my anxiety and discomfort from this experience has been largely alleviated with cannabis. (It's not for everyone. But it has helped me.) Now I am in the process and maintaining my way of life and how to adapt.

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Hi Charlie!


I have a little experience with the exercise and herpes. I was an avid runner and did strength training 3-4 times a week before being diagnosed. I eased back into it and have been jogging and lighter amounts of weight lifting the last few weeks and so far nothing has caused the herpes to flare up. It's been almost 2 months since I was initially diagnosed with a pretty mild first outbreak and I have yet to even feel a real symptom again. Knock on wood.


Like Dancer said, it's good you're educating yourself on this. It helps to ease the emotions herpes can bring as well as obviously preventing you from spreading it as easily. If you haven't looked into suppressive meds, you might want to. I would be for getting another doctor. Most just aren't as up on their herpes, as well as STDs in general, as they should be.


I've read that the THC in marijuana can help suppress the herpes virus. No judgments if that's your form of treatment. I was young(er) once too.... lol. Just make sure your addressing the issues and not trying to cover them up. With something like herpes there is a wide range of emotions to go through.

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Well got new info I requested my test results. Results IGG HERPESELECT - HSV1 3.78 HSV2 0.90


So that's good news? I'm getting retested in 6 weeks per their request? guess that's normal.


I'm still hoping it's a past exposure either from school or my family and not genital. I can only hope right? I've never had a cold sore I can remember I did have a "yeast" infection which without swab it could have been since balantitus resembles closely to what issues I had but guess what.... so does herpes! :-D



Still doesn't change my outlook but I'll admit I am strangely relieved. I mean I more than likely have HPV but honestly so do more than likely 99% of the population . stay calm stay positive and if there is a silver lining you better take it :-)

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Well, you said you thought you had a "Male yeast infection" at one time - it's very possible you have HSV1 genital from oral sex ... It's normal with H1 genital to have only 1 or 2 OB's and then it may settle down and only rarely if ever show it's head ... but it's still there.... I would assume it's genital unless you ever have an oral OB ... and just take the precautions that you would anyway and disclose to partners that you have H1 but you don't know whether it's oral or genital so you will do what you can to protect them from getting it... and if they already get coldsores, it's a non-issue ;)

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- sign- That moment you tell your friends about HPV and the painful stitches... their remark is "Well atleast it isn't herpes!". I admit I didn't add anything else to that conversation. I am getting concerned about my dry itchy eyes. So I don't know if I should go to my gp or an eye doctor. I have also had redness and tender penile gland under the foreskin I've been applying anti fungal / yeast last night and by this afternoon (my morning) it's gone. Honestly I'm hoping I get a ob so i can concern myself to which area I have it. Ever since I slept the body disconfort/pain has gone away I think some of it is hyper-sensitivity from my anxiety and stress. As I suffered no pain the moment I woke up no discomfort I actually felt really good. Something silly to note and this may be TMI but I'm anxious about touching my genitals I wash my hands before and after using the restroom in fear I'll spread hpv or hsv1.

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I have a question a sensitive question. I've read extensively what is offered online. But honestly it's answer to answer and usually is different. My question is masturbation... and HSV1 being as I am abstaining from sex life can be quite bothersome without it but I am concerned about spreading the virus to other parts of my body or hands or whatever. Any advice?

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If ur not having an o.b., ... i think you should be fine...

if you were super worried.. maybe buy some condoms?

Or go buy a toy! A lil vibe or somethin ;-) just make sure to clean it afterwards:-p

but im assuming a guys perspective is more helpfull..

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@willow got it right ... without an OB you should be just fine...and once you have had the virus for 6 months you shouldn't be able to autoinnoculate (ie, pass) the virus to other parts of your body very easily. Wash you hands after (which you likely would do anyway) if you are concerned, but regular soap should be enough ;)

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I have an appointment for Tuesday for Urologist and regular doctor hopefully one of them can help with my eyes I am praying it's just allergies or pink eye but NOT HSV1 in the eyes.


I'm also gonna try to get past STD test information and see if I have gotten tested for HSV1 before and tested positive. My reasoning is if I had this virus since childhood I don't (Shouldn't) have it in my genitals unless I did it myself which again seems unlikely. So far haven't had any other issues besides my eyes being dry and itchy

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Good idea - that's one of the reasons the CDC won't test for h - because if you come up H1+ and you don't know where you have it many people will freak out. Hows about getting Teens tested for it at 16 and 18 ... odds are if they are H+ at that point it will be oral .... so they'd know to be careful about oral sex... :/

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And a positive note to those suffering... don't suffer! I've learned no matter how careful I was/am how much caution I took into my dates that the only thing that could have prevented me from HPV is to never ever have sex. It's a common human condition that is dated back as far back as the ancient greeks. Now about Herpes it too is as old as the ancient Greeks and specifically HSV the current estimate is infection rate of around 90+% (HSV1 or HSV2) by the time you're in your 40's. And the only way to prevent that is never to kiss/touch/hold/interact with an infected person. Which 80% have no clue and the other 20% have most likely had it since childhood. I'm sure I haven't articulated this all as well as I'd like. But this understanding has helped me in my period of acceptance I will agree YES I wish I didn't have HPV or HSV I wish all the negative things in the universe didn't exist. But they do exist and we can just hope for the best. I do wish they taught more on HSV and HPV in school.



If I was born 10+ years after 1991 I most likely wouldn't have to worry about HPV as there is new studies being done proving that the vaccine is preventing occurrence rate of GW and cancer. I hope that my generation is one of the last to be affected by HPV and that reality for HSV can happen soon in the years to come. It may not help US now but it will help our children and our future. (But hey if scientists find a cure count me in!)


Finish rant. :-)


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I agree the anxiety of not knowing whether it's oral/genital is annoying. I have poor memory but I vaguely remember being told I was exposed to HSV1 before and at that time didn't think much into it and shrugged it off as not being "infected" so hopefully I'll have that answer.




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One problem with the Gardisil vaccine is that teens get HPV and HSV confused and they think they are "safe" from them both... I read an article somewhere about a Dr who said her young HSV clients numbers increased dramatically since the vaccine came out :(


Once again,, poor info/education at work :( :(

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Update time! So I visited my Urologist and I noted some of my concerns as my 'rash' on the tip of my penis occurred again(Said it was some sort of fungal since I am uncircumcised keeping dry). He checked it all out and assured me it wasn't herpes and wouldn't take a swab (Sigh) but I did learn I had posted positive to 'exposure' of HSV1 years ago. So most likely had this since childhood or bumming a joint or whatever.


My wang is healing very nice the scar should be barely noticeable. He mentioned in cases of HPV he treated it has a chance of reoccuring but he said most of the time it's treated and goes away (Immune system response)

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Well, if you have HSV1 oral it will show up on tests but unless you manage to be one of the very few who get the same strain in 2 places, odds are you would not have H1 down south ...


Regarding HPV, it may "go away" but like Herpes, you will always be a carrier...and like Herpes, it may lay dormant for a long time then flare up for no known reason.... that said, supposedly we will ALL get some strain or other of HPV in our lives .. guess it's just one of those things we can only do so much about to try to not pass it on, and then we just have to live with it ... and like Herpes, most may never know they have it ... *sigh*

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