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I figured it out - what love is!

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I hate that herpes brought me to the realization of what true love is. I hate that it took something so horrible to shake the very foundation of everything I had learned, all the walls I put up for protection, all I had known my entire 40 years. But I am grateful to herpes in that sense. Ugh, I said it! And even though I have disseminated herpes and trust me, it is horrific, perhaps if I didn't get it this bad I would have lived my whole life in this perfect little box that I created for myself....this safe place.


So Herpes helped me find out what true love was and is. And this love has nothing to do with sex or marriage or friendship. It is an emotion that creates a safe place to allow you to be your authentic self and to allow the person you love to do the same. This love is the deepest because it has no boundaries, no limits and no definitions. This love is not based on a role you play within a relationship (a wife, mother, husband, lover, friend); this love is based on the purest sense....a genuine, selfless, innocent love.


So thank you to all of you on this forum. Through reading your posts daily, you commenting on my struggles, giving advice, allowing me to be authentic me, free of judgment (sometimes lol)...it has allowed me to embrace a spiritual love, a love that transcends anything I have ever known or experienced myself. And this knowing about love is the first step in my process to feel it.


All you H+ people, thank you!

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It often takes a big life-transforming event (death of a loved one, illness, job loss, etc) for us to *get it* - to get what is important, what true love is, how to be a better person. And IMO, of all the life transforming things that can happen to you, this is actually pretty minor (tho it doesn't seem like it at the time) ... yes it's a nuisance at times but I'll take this over a truly major illness any day ;)



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