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Hsv1 oral and genital?

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Hey guys,


I was talking to my colleague about hsv today and he told me that he got hsv1 orally as a baby, but it spread to the genitals now that's he's an adult, but that he's never had a genital outbreak. I asked why he thought he had it genitally if he's never had an outbreak and he said that he was told that he had it in both places by the doctor after a blood test. I was surprised, I didn't think that was really possible and can a blood test even tell you where exactly you have hsv1? I have hsv2 so none of this applies to me personally, but I was just confused! Thought you guys were the people to ask :).

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No, blood tests cannot tell you where you have herpes. Only a swab can do that. So the doctor and your friend are mistaken.


Blood tests tell you you have herpes and what type it is but not where it is on your body.


Tell your friend unless he has a genital outbreak or a positive swab, he can assume he just has hsv1 orally, what an injustice, this poor guy thinking he has genital herpes all these years.....ridiculous!

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Thanks, that's what I thought, but I didn't want to tell him he was wrong. Honestly, I don't think he's ever given a second thought to it. He's in a serious relationship with someone who is also hsv1+ and I don't think he's bothered either way, haha. If only I had his attitude towards hsv! :)

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