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Silly question regarding transfer of hsv1

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Ok. Just wanted to get some opinions as today I am contemplating how I got herpes which I know I the grand scheme of things isn't that important and honestly I am not upset about it anymore.


So is it possible that I had hsv1 in my mouth and I kissed a man and he transferred to my vagina thru oral sex. I would say yes. But my real question is if I had it in my mouth and he transferred it downtown, with him massaging it into my labia, could he also not get t orally. What would the odds be that he wouldn't get it orally even though the exact same activity gave it to me genitally?


I don't know if I got hsv 1 orally from which partner (had 2 at the time) and I don't feel like going around asking them to be tested...it's complicated. Just wanted to know what everyone thought. I am a bit of a dilemma with disclosing the fact I have it to my precious partners.



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Very very unlikely friend. #1 - if you already have HSV1 oral, you already have the antibodies, so you are far less likely to get it down south ... add to that you kiss the guy and he goes down on you, far less of the virus would get transferred to you. It's more likely he would get it from you orally than you "self inoculate" yourself through him


Look - if you got it from oral sex from a previous partner, he's likely had it for awhile. Just ask them if they ever had a cold sore ... if one says yes, tell him that he likely passed it to you genitally and he needs to be educated so he doesn't do it again .. if he's had coldsores there's no need to test - he's got the answer right there on the lip ;)


BTW, there is an edit button on the top of all your posts that you can fix typos :)

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Not precious. Lol. Previous. Ha ha ha thx about edit...I was just lazy.


I know I didn't get it from my first partner but that leaves my 2nd and he says he never got a cold sore in his life. I just didn't push it bc he didn't handle it very well when I initially tested negative, he wasn't much support at all, so I kind of wanted to figure it out without him getting tested but looks like he is the culprit likely. I have one other guess but that would have been me getting it orally by someone else thru a peck on the lips and I just don't think that's likely.


So I am back to thinking he's the culprit but still not being able to tell him bc he lends me no support and for sure he wouldn't be able to handle it. It would just be ugly. He's in a long term relationship now and by the time I tested positive he had even with her for months. No point as I already educated him on it the first time we had a scare.


Anyway it's ridiculously complicated and serves me right!!!


I jut seem to have the worst luck and ya driving me.



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I would tell him one more time - that it's very likely that he has oral HSV1 and never had an OB, that 60% of young people have it by the time they are young adults, and you just want him to know that if might be an idea to get tested for the sake of his current GF so that if he has *anything* like a cut or what may to him feel like chapped lips, he won't go down on her (at least, unless she also has cold sores, in which case her risk is lower.)


Approach it from a place of caring for HIM, even if he can't support YOU ... if for no other reason than to pass good karma forward. ;)


If he still pushes you away, then so be it. You tried now that you know about the facts of H.



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