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Mad. Angry. Pissed off and hurt.

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I'm sorry this is going to be a negative post. I'm sorry. Today marks a month since my break up and a month and two weeks since my first OB. Not only has he clearly moved on but I just started my second HSV2 OB. It's fucking everywhere! All over not just one little bump one little place. Every where. I'm brought way the fuck back down to where I was before and trying to get through finals for grad school. Help please :(

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Oh Athena. I am so sorry you are going through a rough time. Been there, done that, still doing it once and a while LOL.


It's normal to get down when you have an outbreak. Don't be so hard on yourself! Big friendly hug! You will be ok. Your posts are so amazing, I can just imagine what a wonderful woman you are. Too wonderful to not find Mr. Wonderful, too wonderful to not get through this, too wonderful to not be able to re-focus and get through your finals!


Do all the stuff Dancer says to help your outbreak. Maybe you should go on suppressive therapy; don't know if you are on it already.


It will get better ok! First few months are rough!


Lots of love!

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I'm in college too and the stress of finals are defidently enough to trigger an ob. Try to stay calm, make a plan for studying, and remind yourself that you have to manage your stress to prevent this. H made me majorly change my outlook on school. If you can an Epsom salt bath is great! If you're anything like me and live in a shitty apartment at school then soaking tea bags then letting them cool and switching between applying that and ice helps me a lot. Goodluck!

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Thank you @whitedaisies. Ive been on suppressive therapy since I got my diagnosis. It's freaking every where :( And to make matters worse my ex called me today, a month since our break up...so i'm already crying telling him I have my second OB. We get to talking he says I can always talk to him about it -- we get to talking about the break up (of course two very different accounts) and I ask how I can talk to someone I don't respect any more and whose already moved on? It's a brutally fucking hard day.

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I hate how this is such a rollercoaster for people....its just not fair. But you know what? These hard times will help you appreciate the good times. And the good times are gonna come....I can feel it!!!!


I had a brutal week last week; lots of tears, lots of crying, I felt as though I was back to where I was when I was going thru my primary outbreak....and I am on month 8!!! So I hear ya. I am going to personal message ya, ok?!


Lots of hugs

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I know exactly where your coming from. Outbreaks seem to come along when you really really don't need one. They can really drag you further down when your already down. I've also had outbreaks when things are going great, that tends to wipe all that out real quick. You just have to keep one foot in front of the other. Wish I had better advice. You'll get through this. I've found over the years that everything works out in the end.

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It's ok to be angry for awhile - that's all part of the healing. Just don't let it consume you.


My *experience* is that men often start dating soon after a break-up .. they convince themselves they are over it, when in fact, it's a way to ignore their emotions and feelings. I dated 2 guys who thought they were over their last GF within a few months, (found out after we got involved) but as soon as things got intimate they both freaked out. So just know, whatever he is doing doesn't mean he's "over it". .. he may well just be coping in a different way ;)


Allow yourself the tears and anger today. Resolve to get up tomorrow and continue your healing and what you need to do for yourself to move on and get healthy, ok??



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@all I CANNOT possibly express how grateful I am for you guys and this community! Thank you for the comfort, wisdom and compassion. I woke up today feeling a bit better and realized that ya, while it sucks that i'm having an OB and no SO to make me feel wanted/loved etc. and that...it doesn't exactly look pretty... the pain is not even 2% of what I experienced during my first OB! It's manageable. And i'll be OK! Thank you for the responses and personal messages. They really truly do make ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE <3

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