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Rollercoaster ride without the wheeeee

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Hi all,


I have been inhaling people's stories over the past week. I was diagnosed with genital HSV-1 this Monday. Between Wednesday, last week when I got tested, and Monday, I had the typical symptoms: body pains, head aches, blisters on my labia, and a sore throat. Since the sore throat wouldn't go away even after the blisters were gone (took about 1 week) and since I had a pretty bad fever for a day or two, I went back to the doctor. Little did I know that I would also develop a crazy itchy rash on my hands and feet overnight, before I went to the doc to find out whether something else is going. Verdict: Hand-foot-mouth disease - got it while my immune system was down, fighting the herpes virus.


Now today, I just (!) Discovered a tiny blister on my lip. I'm ready to jump out of the window or at least crawl out of my skin. Did I give myself oral herpes from my genital herpes infection? I washed my hands every single time when I went to the bathroom and my blisters down there are almost gone. Or is "just" part of the hand mouth foot disease. HELP! My body HATES me right now.

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I read that it's rare to spread once u r infected in one area .. It usually stick to one area. Unless u were infected at the same time where ur antibody haven't had time to fight it off ( this is from medhelp forum under herpes).

U should have the blister swab and test to give ur self a peace of mind.

I am curious what hand foot mouth disease is?


Hope all will calm down soon for u.


god bless, S

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Hello and Welcome!


Odds are pretty high that you got HSV1 orally at the same time as you got the genital HSV1 (odds are you got it from someone who had "coldsores" and they gave it to you through kissing and oral sex) ...


So: (and to @Scared4this too) ... It's also possible to autoinnoculate yourself in other areas for the first few months ... it takes 4-6 months to get the immune system to be strong enough to not spread it around. But normal hand washing should be fine when you handle the area. The virus doesn't live outside the body for long, especially with soap or other substances are being used.



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I am experiencing the same thing myself. I was first diagnosed with HSV-2 genitally in mid-July but all of a sudden I've found that I've got internal mouth sores. I understand that HSV-2 is rare orally but not impossible. Today my doctor told me basically what WCSDancer2010 said above. That I may have gotten it at the same time.


My doctor also said (and I haven't had time to research this since I've been home) that the virus can travel up your spine via your central nervous system and that I may have developed the mouth sores simply because the virus is still new in my system and my immune-system is exhausted -- she made it sound like they erupted from the stress on my body and not necessarily from auto-innoculation. Does that sound plausible?

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Odds are your internal mouth ulcers are actually canker sores ... very common and not caused by Herpes (the Mayo Clinic site has good info on them)




My doctor also said (and I haven't had time to research this since I've been home) that the virus can travel up your spine via your central nervous system and that I may have developed the mouth sores simply because the virus is still new in my system and my immune-system is exhausted -


Uhh .... NOOOOOO ... time to get a new Doctor. She is waaay off base. Yes, H can get into the spine but it then causes encephalitis which is a serious disease in the brain ... it won'd go up your spine into your mouth ... SMH ... honestly, I wonder where some of these Dr's get their information ... now, it's *possible* that if it is H that you already had H1 there but even that is normally on the outside of the mouth. Next time you get them, get it swabbed. I'm willing to bet they will come out negative for H.

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Thanks for your feedback. In all fairness, I *may* have misunderstood her. She had "facts" coming at me fast and furious while I was sitting on the exam table in a paper smock nervous and sweating and embarrassed that I had contracted it genitally. She couldn't have been nicer and more understanding and listened to me ramble on about my ex and possible other ways I may have contracted it in my 20+ year sexual history. Apologies for possibly misleading or misquoting. I definitely have learned more from this site!


In regards to the sores in my mouth, I've suffered from canker sores as long as I can remember. When I have those, I only get one sore at a time and I can swish hydrogen peroxide in my mouth and it goes away in a few days. Presently, I have numerous sores -- at least 5 canker sore look-alikes and on my bottom gum line there are clusters of small white bumps (those I've never had before). A few questions:


- Is it possible that the Valtrex has a side effect of sores in the mouth?

- Does it sound like HSV-1?

- Should I go to my dentist or my primary care doctor to have it swabbed?


Thanks so much!



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Doubt its the valtrex but very possible it's just the stress of having Herpes and however you are processing all this. I used to get one here or there but when I got married I had several really bad canker sores from the stress.


If you are concerned it's H, I'd get them swabbed. That may help you your mind to rest ;)

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