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Washing/Staying clean during a herpes outbreak

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I've only been experiencing my OB for a couple days and I've already noticed how difficult it is to wash how I normally do. My washing poof/sponge is WAY too rough and when I'm in the shower all I can do is pat the area with it. Does anyone have a good soap or washing utensil that they have found works really well during an OB. I want my area to be as clean and dry as possible so it heals faster.


Also, this question just popped into my head. Do these bumps leave scars after an OB is over?? I can't even look at myself they same right now, and thinking that I could be scarred "down there" makes me feel even worse.

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If regular soap is too harsh, try using an all-natural soap without any chemicals or aromas. Soap kills the virus on contact, so it can't be spread to other parts of your body if you touch the outbreak then touch elsewhere. And try using a blow dryer on the "cool" setting after washing the area. (Because you're cool, ya know?)


And no, the scars won't happen if you let them heal on their own. Only way they'd leave scars is if you don't wash properly and they get infected (rare) or if you pick at them and don't let them heal on their own.


@inka — Please be careful not to touch yourself elsewhere if you're only washing an active outbreak with only water (especially your eyes!). When you're having an active outbreak, touching it then touching another spot on your body that has any sort of open wound or mucous membrane can mean auto-inoculation. If you do use only water, then be sure to wash your hands with soap immediately afterwards.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I honestly do not even use any kind of soap period. If I use any kind of soap, it creates a super bad infection. I learned to soak myself and then, rinse my vaginal area with hot water. I have learned how to clean myself very good, outbreak or no outbreak without soap. Due to my condition.

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I use unscented soft soap for sensitive skin that is all natural. I usually will use my regular poof on the rest of my body and then use a soft cotton wash cloth in the nether region where my first outbreak appeared. I blow dry with a blow dryer after and use gold bond powder spray as well! Hope this helps!

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