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Can H- partners take anything to help?

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The biggest thing is keeping a strong immune system .. which means keeping your stress levels low, eating right, and there are a lot of good supplements out there that are specific for helping to keep your immune system strong... I take a mushroom based one (New Chapter Lifeshield Immunity) and Airborne if I feel a cold coming on and it usually helps me to knock it straight down.


I dont know if there are any studies about this but it wouldn't hurt to make sure to clean the area with soap and water after as well - anything to remove fluids and such that might harbor the virus .... ;)

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  • 1 month later...

My boyfriend had his 2nd ob ever, 2 months into our relationship. It made us both a little different. It made me think about his diagnoses more than ever. He's been open and honest and we talk about it. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him, he's wonderful but I'm scared. I'm H- and want to stay that way and stay with him and have his babies. I feel like I have to give one of those up; like all three aren't possible... It's hard to type these things without crying.

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I have a guy friend who is negative, and he and his gf have been together for 5 or 6 years now. They have a healthy little girl. And he is still negative!


Please dont cry @rocksheart ! You can love him, have his child and still most likely stay negative.

i think the key to all 3 is comuntcation and trust! Just make sure he is honest with you about prodromes and that he is taking his antivirals.

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Hello and Welcome!


So - first, let me commend you on coming here for support! Education is the key to keeping yourself H-.


I promise you, whatever happens, whether you stay H- or not, you can have plenty of his babies!!! Unlike HIV (which can be passed in utero to the baby), Herpes is not a blood-borne virus. It lives in the nerves and stays in the area of the body where you first acquired it. I've had genital Herpes for 35 years, birthed 2 beautiful girls (one by Cesarean and one naturally) and they are both H-, happy and healthy you ladies now .... and I even have a beautiful 3 yr old grandchild that I love to love on. So please, put that fear to rest!!!


As for you getting it, as @willow said, communication is key. Yes, we women have a higher risk of getting it, but we can still do a lot to protect ourselves. So do you know whether he has HSV1 or 2? And do you definitely know YOUR status? Odds are that unless you specifically asked for the HSV test, you have not been tested. You could be carrying the virus and not know it (80% of people with H don't know they have it).


There are anti-virals that your BF can take. You can use condoms (and try out the FC2 female condom which *some* people love because it doesn't seem to cause any loss of sensation). And if there is *ANY* question of his having an OB or prodromes, you just have a most excellent excuse to explore other ways to be intimate....


Check these links out ... they will help you understand the virus more and help you see that H is nothing more than a nuisance skin condition in a really inconvenient place ;)






Handouts + disclosure e-book:





Herpes facts video
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Thank you for your kind words. He's the sweetest. I've been reading a lot so my brain is kinda full right now. He doesn't take antivirals; he hadn't had an ob in 6 years, so he was lulled into non-action. And not having insurance adds to the problem. He is smart and wants the best for us, so we talking about how we can both stay healthy.

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Well if he has been alone then the anti-virals weren't a necessity for him. Please show him the handouts and the video so he is up to date on the latest H info ;)


As for the insurance info ... two things. Use Planned Parenthood. You can tell them you don't have insurance and you have a tight budget and they may give you a sliding scale. And for anti-virals, go online and google "Discount Rx card" or "Discount Prescription Card" ... They usually give you up to 60% reduction in the price of the meds... and rather than Valtrex, get Acyclovir ... it costs a lot less... but he'd have to take it 2x/day. ;)

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hey rocks, I went to planned parenthood here in central florida and episodic antivirals were 17 an rx and suppressive was 24. they didn't even ask about income. I got the episodic but only have to make a call and then go pick them up if I need to change. at least for 1 year then I would need to have another doctors appointment. and here that's included in the visit if you get meds. so my whole apt was only 17$. it did take 3 hours with an apt tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@rocksheart I'm HSV2+ but I know if I feel that burning tingling feeling like the virus is on the march, I take L-Lysine supplements



which seem to really tamp down activity and I wonder if that would help you as a preventative measure. Also, I personally get more prodromes than blisters but I've noticed that people on here rave about the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide. It made me wonder if a home-made hydrogen peroxide wipe used on your H+ partner might back the virus off long enough to protect you.


Clearly I'm not a doctor and this is SPECULATION. There is a sore lack of research in this area. I think we have to make our own lab.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you guys. You've been wonderful. He is still struggling with his diagnosis. Its been5 years and 2 outbreaks, the 2nd right after we started dating. I can't pretend to understand but I'm worried about how dirty he feels. It hurts to watch him feel so...contaminated. I think the stigma of this thing is worse than any outbreak. I know I can't *love* self acceptance into a person but I'm encouraging him to at least come the website and read. Wish us luck. I love him to pieces.

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