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Is this herpes in my mouth?

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I was diagnosed with both HSV 1 and 2. I've had what I believe was one cold sore on my mouth and one (what I look back and think could have been) outbreak down there about a month before my diagnosis. I was diagnosed by a culture inside my vagina done for routine of a whole nother issue I was having.


Anyways 3 or 4 days ago I had what was a few swollen taste buds at the tip of my tongue. I also had a throat irritation to one side and saw a small red spot on one of my tonsils along with a stuffed nose. I thought I was getting sick or my sinuses were acting up. My throat irritation cleared, my nose is now just a little runny, but my tongue is in my so much pain. My tastebuds are swollen on both sides and am just in pain everywhere on my younger. Today I noticed red spots which look like swollen taste buds towards the back of my tongue. I was looking up what it could be and it mentioned it could be herpes. There are no sores anywhere in my mouth so I'm just wondering if this could be an outbreak on my tongue?



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Problems with the tongue usually indicates a health concern, that is unrelated to the mouth, but is having a side effect from whatever us actually going on...


Pain in tongue as well as red dots could be anything from oral herpes, diebieties, oral cancer, malnutrition, anemia, allergy, alcohol, smoking, digestive problems, or vitamin defficiency. The list im sure is alot lot longer...


So the best possible thing u can do withought siking yourself out, is just get a quick lil swab from your doc, or a walkin clinic. If you cant get in right away, take a picture if you can, that way if it does go away by the time of appointment, youll be able to show the doc.


Its possible its oral herpes, but if its hsv1, it preferes the edge of lips, if its hsv.. well dang i really dont know alot about hsv2 except that its rare orally...


As for the tastebuds being swollen that can happen alot with exessive salts and or sugars.


Hope this helps a lil bit ? xox

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Hey Prettyinpinkrn,


Around my initial OB, I experienced some of the same worries regarding my enlarged taste buds, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. I got a oral swab done and it came back negative. Like you are about to do, I did schedule an appointment with the nurse practitioner that I originally had seen about my first OB. She told me it wasn't anything like oral thrush but basically a reaction to the antivirals I had begun taking (valtrex). She suggested I take a pro biotic and sure enough, my taste buds have reduced in size.

Hope this helps!

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Interesting @Tallboy38 that probiotics helped ... because the anti-virals are not an antibiotic (which attacks the bacteria, including the "good" bacteria, which is why probiotics are often suggested when you are on antibiotics). Either way, it won't hurt to take a probiotic. I'd say the salt water gargles would actually be a good thing as that will kill any bacteria and yeast... either of which could be contributing to the issue.

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