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2 new viruses and some odd thoughts

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so ebola is apparently going to kill us all ( if isis doesn't first) and I was wondering, since it is a virus and all viruses cant replicate on their own, will the research into dealing with ebola help with herpes, and possibly other viruses?


second, we finally got the enterovirus here in central florida and the news reported something I found funny. hand sanitizers don't work on this stuff!! yet good old soap and water do, lol. old school for the win.

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@forgivenessandpeace ,

In a sense it does. I mean if ur in the shower, and then wash/ touch ur downstairs area while having an o.b. , the soap and water help as to not get hsv on our hands, or eyes.

hsv doesnt like to/ cant live long outside the nerve.

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I'm with Willow - never used Hand Sanitizers and I get sick a LOT less than the people that do.


will the research into dealing with ebola help with herpes, and possibly other viruses?


Well, we can hope ... but that was the hope for HIV and while it has helped the researchers to make *some* new insights, neither have helped us to find the cure that is prayed for for both viruses :(


AKA: Don't hold your breath!

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the little I know about Ebola tells me that, Ebola belong to quite a different family of viruses called filo ( not sure how its spelt) virus, and they behave quite differently and their structure too is different altogether from herpes family.


However, though HIV too behave differently, they have some similarities with hsv1 on their surface antigens.( one evidence is why acyclovir/drugs meant to prevent replication of herpes virus seem to help HIV sufferers and vice versa.



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@ dancer, wasn't holding breath, just a random thought.

not a big fan of hand sanitizers either, I tend to be less worried about the germs than WHAT ive got on my hands.

@ newlook, again just a random thought since its in the news soooooooooooooo freakin much lately.


@ forgiveness, ive heard that soap is rather nasty to herpes, as is pretty much everything outside a certain neural ganglion. one thing about old school cleaners, hard to build up an immunity. like building up an immunity to a bullet, doesn't work well.

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