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Genital Herpes and Oral Sex

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I've just been diagnosed with genital herpes. This is based on a visual done by my OB/GYN; I'm waiting for the results from my blood come back, but she was pretty sure it's HSV-2.


My boyfriend is going to get tested, however, for the scenario I have questions about, lets assume he tests negative and oral sex is done while I do not have an OB.


- can he still give me oral sex as long as I am not having an outbreak? would he then be at risk to get herpes on his mouth? and then what if he kisses me after - will there then be the chance that I will get it on my mouth?


- what if i give him oral sex after we have regular sex? am I then at risk of getting herpes on my mouth?


And I guess the scenario of him testing positive and the above situations taking place while neither of us are having an OB? There are so many questions!


Hi, my boyfriend and me have oral sex (I have HSV2 and he does not have herpes) HSV2 does not like the mouth. Less than about 1% of oral herpes is HSV2. We have had no issues with oral at all. Pay attention to your body and don't do it if you have any signs of an OB. Hope this helps!


I have GHSV-1, although my current bf doesn't go down on me, which is his choice, still sucks ():) before I ever found out I had H my ex went down on me all the time and he never got a cold sore on his mouth. But idk the risks and if he had genital H then the antibodies would protect him. I read online that genital to oral transmission was rare. period, didn't specify a type. If you have 2 your pretty safe, with 1, probably slightly more of a risk but it doesn't shed as much down there so I would still imagine the risk is small.




Hello and Welcome!


Less than 1% of all Oral Herpes is HSV2 so your chances of passing it or getting it yourself orally from your scenario are very low...


Check this video out .. you may want to watch the whole thing but I have it started at the point where Dr Leone talks about Oral Sex :)


Oral Sex discussion Dr Leone

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