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What is the relationship between shingles and herpes?

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I noticed a rash on my back, near the armpits. I checked with the doc and he said it was possibly shingles. He still has not notcied any signs of herpes. It has also been a week since i've been feeling the tingly sensation on my scrotum, anus and thighs. I know that the tingly sensation is where the OB usually happens. I keep getting new red bumps on my thighs, but nothing on my penis, scrotum or anus. I noticed today (on hamstrings) two new red bumps. It hurts when I touch them. Is it possible for a male to only have an OB on the thighs? or could it possibly be from shingles?


I've been to the doctor twice in the past week, I can't keep going back because of my schedule and also because it feels awkward going back and fourth. I've read through some posts and there are a lot of knowledgeable people here. Hoping someone can give me their input on this.

Also, I have posted here before, you can look at my past questions if you'd like more detail.

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I had shingles four years ago and was diagnosed with HSV2 last week. :( I can tell you one thing for sure, in my case shingles hurt 1000x more than my first ob, which was virtually painless. I would be surprised if you have shingles with no pain, while herpes without pain is obviously quite possible. If I remember correctly I first started to feel the pain a couple of days after I first noticed the "rash".


It seems, by your description, that you are having red spots on both "halves" of your body. Shingles usually only attacks one half of your body (left or right). My shingles was two circles of blisters on my upper left arm.


Is there a way they can do a swap test for herpes? The sooner you are diagnosed the better it obviously is for you.


Best of luck, whatever it may be you are coming down with.

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Shingles is a different (but related) Herpes virus, which affects people who previously had Chicken Pox.


I agree with @ihaveittoo1975 ... see if they can get a swab ... I'd try to get one from the arm area and one from the other area ... also, it wouldn't hurt to get a blood test now and see if you come up H+ ... if not, you could be dealing with something completely different or it might be a recent exposure.


You may want to try Planned parenthood or a dermatologist (given you have 2 areas where you have a rash/OB). Family doctors are not great for diagnosing Herpes so I'd say go to someone who will know how to deal with it all



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I don't think so. I've been to the doctor twice and he didn't notice anything that might be herpes related.

I have been seeing a girl who has HSV-2 for months now. I've been getting that tingly sensation on my scrotum for a week now, but don't see any actual signs on my scrotum. I originally accepted that I had herpes when I noticed the signs (muscle aches, tingly, red bumps). But the lack of lesions in the areas where I feel the tingly sensation and my doctor telling me I don't have it is leaving me confused.

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Ah - well, that changes things a bit. It's entirely possible you could have H given that your GF has it and that you are one of the people who is just getting prodromes but no OB's ... AND, you could have Shingles or some kind of contact dermatitis/excema happening elsewhere.


I'd get blood tested as well ... now and in 3 months ... just to know your status.

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Ya.. herpes doesnt play by any rules. I mean theres guidlines that it follows.. but camm can also resemble an entirely different skin condition non related to h and non contagious.


Lots of people who have h dont even know it.

and they may or may not experience prodromes, and during those monents not know what it is considering all possibilities that occure down south that arent even std related....


I mean for a wierd example..... i have celiac disease, wich with me also intitles i.b.s. ..

but just beacuse my tummy is upset... doesnt mean ive eaten wheat gluten.

i always just asume its gluten related because i have c.d.


Same with h, ... anyone can have a prodrom or sympton, but it doesnt mean it is or isnt h. Or that an o.b. will occure.


Confusing lil btard


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Yes you can just get the prodromes ... but your symptoms are still very confusing so I would try to stop worrying and see what the doctor says ... then come back here if you have any questions.


We are not doctors so when there's a lot of conflicting/unclear symptoms I get nervous about giving out too much advice/opinions. The tingling could be HSV OR Shingles ... and you are not having any clear OB's ... and Shingles (like HSV) has a habit of not *always* playing by the rules of where and how it presents. So you have two possible things happening and it really could be either one, or something ENTIRELY different :(


Sorry to not be more helpful ...

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