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Has anyone had an OB on the nose?

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I have this circular patch thats been on my nostril, its red and there are tiny white lesions in it but it doesn't protude through the skin. Now theres a little red bump around the edge of my nostril....sometimes it itches but not really. Its just a nuisance to stare at when I look in the mirror. Looked like it was going away when I was on antiviral now it looks abit angry.



just googled pictures of H on the nose, yeah it looks a lot like what I'm dealing with :( anybody experience this? What did you do to treat it? I'm out of meds until tomorrow.

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I'm assuming that the painful sores I sometimes develop just inside my nose on my septum are probably a manifestation of my Type 1. I tend to coat mine a couple times a day with Vaseline because they crack and bleed easily, this keeps them fairly supple and less painful while they heal.

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Its definitely not uncommon for it to happen. I had flu symptoms with my first outbreak also. My nose wasn't initially irritated though, and my lips itched but never broke out. I think I transferred it to my nose by scratching without washing my hands or I may have both types of HSV since my giver has both. I woke up this morning looking like Rudolph. The flesh between my lips and nose up to my nostril area is red and puffy, I actually LOOK like I have the flu lol.

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Yeah I believe we will suffer more during the winter months because the cold is harsher on our skin. I'm using GoldBond Eczema Relief and its actually helping with the irritation. Idk if sneezing is related to H though, usually you'll experience swollen lymph nodes, fever, body aches, stuff like that. You could be suffering from allergies more or less, since that tends to be a chronic condition.

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You very well could be right about a chronic condition. All the symptoms you have described I have experienced off and on. I went to the Dr yesterday and they seem to think I may have strep. Throat. I go for blood work next wk.. Every time there is new aliment that comes over my body I get into panic mode..lol and want answers..lol Im glad I joined this site. It has alomg with you provided useful information.

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My boyfriend is suffering from strep throat and he has HSV too. He's waiting for lab results as we speak. I wonder if strep is a complication of H or if its just something that happens due to viruses running rampid in the winter. I'm the same way though I'm rather new to HSV so anytime I notice something strange I immediately think thats what it is lol.

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Lol. Its scary. It may have to do with indirectly....A strong immune system is what there are telling for a better future. I'm currently looking up ways to build a strong immune system. Its hard to diet right when your constantly on the road. However im just going to have to change my life style up a bit.

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Omg! So my bfs results came back, its not strep. So kinda going back to my theory on if H plays a role in sore throats if you have it....you know, you can do things while you're out on the road that are pretty simple when it comes to eating right! Like, say you go to Wendys, your combo meal may cost about $5-7 tops depending on what you get, just switch it up and get a salad :) their asian ones are delicious and have less fat compared to their caesar and southwest salads. Also drink more water, less juices and sugary drinks and food altogether, increase your vegetable intake (dark leafy greens like baby spinach, kale, red cabbage, also carrots are excellent) and it will go a long way! I also take a daily multivitamin, probiotics, and zinc which boosts the immune system. Blessed to say I haven't been sick this year, and never had a flu shot. Lol.

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Oh my.. Thats not good about your boy friend. Hopefully he can find out what it is soon so that he can kick this thing. Sounds like more test are needed. I hope all goes well for him. Ive ate them foods but I gt side tract and eat something I shouldnt. Im not no alcoholic but I like to drink a margarita over some Mexican food. Thats my biggest weakness that im going to have to stop immediately bc I feel the worse after I eat there. I bought a program on line that was suppose to gt rid of herpes. For the most part it took away the sores and they havent been back since July. But however I still have cold sores on my mouth when I gt stressed. The program say to grink 35% grade hydrogen proxide and it gave a chart to go by. It costed $35. Plus it said to use Apple Cider to gt rid of sores immediately.And for the most part it did. Do you know any body that has experienced this?

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Well you know you can never get rid of herpes its with you forever and I wouldn't recommend buying medication online only because some companies like to scam innocent people desperate for a cure or something to help them and the medication isn't even beneficial at all. Oh man, margaritas are my one and only vice, I'm addicted lol but I cut down on hard alcohol, mexican food is good but you don't want to eat anything too spicy or that can possibly trigger an outbreak. I do know Organic Apple Cider (Braggs with the Mother, $8 bucks a bottle) is amaaazing for your skin. I use it for acne and pedicures but haven't tried it on my Herpes sores but I'm gonna give it a shot on my nose and see if it helps.

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Lol.. It burns at first. They recommend taping it on your sore over night while you sleep. It can be done but its aggrivating.. and not to mention the oder rt up under your nose..lol Its worked for me. That why I was asking if you heard about that proxide. Im real skeptical about things on line to.. I tried it and it took the flue symtoms away for about 4 wks. But they came back. All the sores disappeared though.. which where there for a couple months..

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Don't put the Apple Cider Vinegar on the sore!!! You are supposed to take it orally ... it helps to get the acid/alkaline base of the body in balance... when it's out of balance, you are more likely to get sick/skin conditions/etc.


As for the sore throats, it's just a winter thing and Strep is not a by-product to herpes ... it's a by-product to exposure+being run down/lowered immune response ;)


And the sores in the nose may come if you have ORAL herpes ... but if you only have genital herpes than it's not going to be related.


It's winter. The air is dry and there's tons of bugs going around. So it will he hard to tell if your flu symptoms are from a flu virus or herpes ... at least not until you have had H long enough to know YOUR prodromes and symptoms ;)



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