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Dental Dams - discuss

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How many of you use dental dams? And if so, what are your thoughts? Brands that are good?


I have never used them in the past - even when I was with women (I am bisexual). I know they are recommended...I just didn't want to use them, I've never used condoms with oral sex on men either. I also didn't know I could possibly pass my hsv 1 onto someone via oral sex. Now that I know it's possible to pass hsv 1 when I'm not in an outbreak it may be what I have to do... I never even kiss anyone or fool around at all with a sore on my lip - I always feel super gross and uncomfortable with a cold sore so I avoid any skin to skin contact when I have one.

Should I start disclosing that I have oral herpes too? I've had it for 20+ years and never disclosed that before.


Do guys still want to go down on you when you have asymptomatic genital herpes?



I would disclose. I'm pretty sure I have genital herpes from oral sex. I've never used dental dams or condoms with oral sex either. I find the idea odd. I understand the why of it, but sucking on latex... odd..

I'm still learning, so I'm looking forward to the responses.

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