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How to get spirit up when your in pain?

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I still can't get my head out of the dump. It's the first thing on my mind when I wake up! Wth does that stop? I'm good at times then it just comes back to me hard mainly in the morning. The constant lil pain is driving me nuts don't know how so many people deal with this.feel like my body is not doing good and will stay feeling like this forever. Feel pain in places I never have.Gave it to my wife and can't live with that guilt. 99 % of story's I hear the people have there first ob after exposer same time frame as me.i was high pos for h1 after two weeks saying older infection?but I still fear it will be pos H2 when I re test.really can't take that. My marriage will be over with wife thinking she could of possibly given it to me by oral I just know in my heart that was not how this started.thinking of this 24 7 I can't put mind and body where it needs to be with wife and 1st child worst timing in the world to happen . Wcd dancer you think it could be a UTI with my on going pain? how can I find out?Bout to go out of town and can't go to doc.getting more antiviral today can i ask pharmacy to try and clear that without seeing doc?

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I don't know about anyone else but from my person experience I do pee a lot right before and at the beginning of an OB. The earliest symptoms I have mimic a UTI all except obvious pain in my tailbone vs the pain which is more front and centre in my lower abdominal region when I have a UTI. How did you contract hsv?

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From a hand job where girl might of had on face or hand ?or protected sex?or from oral at some point and just has come out I just don't feel that is case. Have never had any other sign of h1 anywhere else so I'm hoping that's all and not both! Kinda like a constant irritation as soon as I sit in bath just start flowing like normal. Wth is restricting me?

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AGAIN ... get to a Dr. If you can't get to your Dr, go to a 24 hr clinic. There has to be somewhere you can get in... even Planned Parenthood can likely deal with it. We can't tell you what is restricting you .. only a Dr can.


feel like my body is not doing good and will stay feeling like this forever.


I just replied to your other post, but the bottom line is that you have ONLY had this for a few weeks. Really.... you need to get it in your head that this just plain TAKES TIME for your body to get control of it and 4-6 weeks is nothing at all in the early timeline with Herpes.... I don't know how to get that across to you ... but you just plain have to find a way to be patient with the process and with your body :/


Your marriage is FAR more likely to be over with the way you are reacting to this than the fact that you have Herpes because odds are FAR higher you got it from your wife (who you said has cold sores) than a hand job. Your guilt is making you think the worst of everything and you really should get some therapy to help you to process that and to help you to re-establish trust with your wife.


So how do you get Spirit up? You CHOOSE to. You take responsibility for your indiscretion and you vow to become a better person for your wife and child. And then you DO it. And you may need to get help from a therapist to get to that point. Every day you wake up and you say "My pain is a reminder that I need to do better". Then do it. By focusing on that you will find that the pain may not run your life as much....




if you have a yeast infection or UTI, you may find that the pain goes away VERY quickly when you get on meds .... so please, get it checked out.

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um my friend the hands are the least likely place to have herpes so no you didn't get anything from a HJ other than friction sores. as dancer said its most likely from your wife and by god man you married her so who cares if she gave you genital hsv1? so your going to have to be a wee bit less spontaneous when it comes to certain intimate acts. you knew she had oral h I assume so stop getting yourself all worked up.


also, I don't know your description of the pain but look into kidney stones, they restrict flow. trust me ive had several. low level pain, usually in side, like you just got hit in the boys. back pain. restricted flow yet the overwhelming urge to pee RIGHT FREAKIN NOW OH IM GONNA WET MYSELF wait 2 drops??? wtf???

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