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a different take on disclosure

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Hello, some of you know me some not so much. I sit here on a Friday evening alone. I just came from a post night out with coworkers where I sat next to several beautiful women whom I tried to engage in conversation. most were polite, we talked, laughed etc but nothing more. on my way home I was thinking about how people come on here and are full of anxiety about disclosing to someone they are interested in, and the song by journey " ask the lonely" popped into my head. So, for those of you who are worried, I feel you but think about this: you have someone you are willing to let this far into you!!!. I would take a thousand possible post disclosure rejections just to get to the need to disclose point right now. So, when your feeling disclosure is hard, just ask the lonely.

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You've got more confidence than I do. I entirely understand the part about loneliness and those nights of loneliness. I miss a lot from being with someone everything from the emotional aspect to the physical.


Heck you've got more confidence than I do! Thought of passing conversation on to the other sex and to a total stranger... still something I am terrible at in person. Keep on being yourself and it'll happen if you keep trying.

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Seeker, you are so right. Disclosures are scary, but it's nice when you get to a place where you have found someone that you might want to disclose to. It's one more step towards something potentially amazing. You never know what the outcome will be, but with great risk comes the potential for great reward. You'll meet your special lady one of these days; I know she's out there waiting for you, and I'm sure we'll be the first to hear about it when you finally find her!!

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