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I've just been diagnosed with HSV1, but have no idea of the infection site as I've had no symptoms in either area and was just part of a yearly routine I do. Unsure as to how to proceed. Whether or not to disclose or how to even really proceed form here. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Quite frankly, unless you have an OB and have a sore swabbed, there is no way to tell where the virus is. You could have it orally, genitally, or both. It's always tricky when you're positive for only HSV-1. Personally, I think it's best to disclose to be on the safe side. I would just say something along the lines of "I'm positive for HSV-1, the simplex that generally causes oral cold sores, but I don't know if I have it orally, genitally, or both because I have never had an outbreak. Even if it is oral, I can still transmit it through oral sex, even without any outbreaks. I just wanted you to know so you can make an informed decision regarding your health." Most people have no idea that it can be transmitted mouth to genitals, so I would include that part to make sure that your potential partner(s) is/are informed.

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The issue of HSV1 oral and kissing is a sticky one. 60% of all young adults have it and 80% of people up to age 50 have it, so it's very common.


@Adrial has a blog about it so I suggest you start there. I personally am totally out so I don't have to have "the talk" any more, but before I was out I didn't worry about disclosing for general kissing .... I was just very careful to not go there if I had *any* suspicion of anything going on ;)


Also, what were your result numbers??? If you had the standard IgG and the numbers were between 1.1 and 3.5, you *could* have a false positive (40-50% of all tests are FP in that range) , in which case I'd get a Western Blot test run to make sure of the result.








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Well, for one, the odds are FAR higher that you would have it orally than genitally ... can you ask a parent/someone who was an adult when you were a kid if you ever had a cold sore?


That said, your numbers are squarely in the "false positive" range .. you may want to contact Westover Heights clinic and take the Western Blot test.... it will give you a much more accurate result ... their fee is $5/min for the phone consult plus the cost of the test but they are the best as far as consultation and the WB test is the Gold Standard of Herpes testing..


Dr. Lisa Taulbee at the Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... she can order the test for you through Quest Labs.

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I doubt u have it genitally but yes it is "possible"


honestly if I were u I would assume u have it orally


if u had any genital symptoms I would question it but it doesn't sound like u do


u get any cuts or sores on ur genitals? any nerve pain or severe itchiness


I would assume it's oral for now and disclose u have oral hsv1 IMO

good luck

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no, and i'm a hypochondriac for sure, which is probably not helping this. i have had quite frankly no symptoms orally or genitally and i know that last year i was negative for both hsv 1 and hsv 2, i get tested yearly for a full panel (i now some what regret this ha!). so it's def a new development but i haven't noticed anything, no sores, cuts, itchiness anything. thanks for the info, i'll look into western heights i'm just a bit concerned as to the cost.

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