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Just finding out I have Herpes

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Just wondering what was your first outbreak like? I've been completely sick and losing lots of weight due to nausea and no appetite. Also how long have you known you had it? How many outbreaks have you had? I know they say the first is the worst. Also how old were you when you found out. I'm only 18 and I found out Christmas Eve. SUCKS! Also how have you dealt with it? I'm full of questions at this point.

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Hi sasssy ,

Your not alone . when I found out I was like 21 almost 22 . My first outbreak I experienced flu symptoms . I also had a bump which I assumed was a razor bump at first but when I got swab tested it was a different story . I felt really alone & I hated everyone & everything . I isolated myself . It was hard to deal with at first . I would try to wash myself alot avoid touching things . I felt contagious to everyone . Over time it got better . I opened up to people . I realized I wasn't alone when someone close to me told their story . Dating its hard . I've been on std dating sites & pof . It's the same you still have to deal with disclosing & people's opinions . But before all that give yourself sometime to find yourself & what you really want . Herpes isn't the end of it all . You find safer ways of having sex . Also working on becoming a better you . Healing does take time . I have bad days but also very good days . Today sucked. I'm on my period & have an outbreak . I feel like crap . But I'm being optimistic .

As for treating it. There's prescribed meds available . Exercise helps but right now I'm having an outbreak from hell so I'm resting on that . Ultimately this virus is triggered by stress so try to be healthy mentally .

My outbreaks at this point since. I'm healing from a c section , are frequent . But with that said I stress alot even though I try not to . I have a toddler doing random stuff all the time.

Overtime it will become easier just say educated on h & stay positive .

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Hello Sasssyy,

I, also like Ratpack1904, found out at the age of 21. It can be really overwhelming and extremely frightening. My first outbreak was so painful I couldn't stand for many days. Don't be discouraged, it will pass... and day by day things will get better, and with time, and a lot of self reflection and positive thinking, you'll find yourself more confident than ever before. Yes, disclosing is not the most pleasant experience, but from my own experience, if you take time and effort into building a deep emotional and intellectual relationship with someone, more often than not they will stay and not judge you but it takes time. However you are still so young, and you have so much life to live, so don't worry about the dating too much. :)

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Hello and welcome!


Initial OB's vary a LOT from one person to another ... 80% of people never even get an OB ... but a very small number of people end up in hospital ... some have 1 OB and never have another... others have one every month (at least at first). There really is no way to tell you exactly what to expect.. but the "norm" is that it can take several OB's and a few months for your body to gain contol of the virus.


My story is here ... I got it at 17 from my first sexual experience.... I'm 53 now so I can tell you life WILL go on and you will be fine...promise :)





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Nausea with vomiting was the first sign I had too, but it only happened once. Then fever, night sweats, lack of appetite, severe tiredness, micro shocks all over, back ache, joint aches, the blisters of course. The works. As long as you realise the cause of it, it's ok I think. I was 26 (6 months ago), and so far I had 6 outbreaks total, but the flu symptoms were only the first time. And each one, with one exception, became less severe and disappeared quicker. Hang in there, it all gets easier.

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