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Using tampons with herpes?

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Idk why I haven't touched this yet but I am just curious is it safe to use them when you have Herpes? Does it in any way trigger outbreaks? Reason for me asking is because I haven't used them in months, and I am currently out of pads. I'm at work with a friend who only had spare tampons to give me. I'm debating on if I should use it or do the dreaded emergency toilet paper leakage protection. >_<


I've been blessed to not have had anymore severe outbreaks so I'm hoping this tampon will not do any harm. I know its probably a silly question to ask considering I've had sex and came out ok but I just thought the alkaline in the blood could cause a reaction somehow. Idk. Just wanted to ask before I use it.

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I'm thinking this is different for everyone. I have used one in an emergency situation before and nothing happened. If your body is accustomed to them already, hopefully it won't cause any issues. This is one of them experiments you'll just have to try to get your answer.

Im editing this to ask if your outbreaks are external or internal?

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You should be fine... like many things to do with Herpes, try it out and see how your body deals with it. Likely if you are having an internal OB, they may not owrk, but otherwise you should be fine. I used them through my whole "menstural life" (Post menopausal now... don't miss it one bit!) and I was fine with them :)

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