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Figuring this out...

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I wonder how bad other peoples outbreaks are and how can YOU tell when you are shedding? I guess because I am pregnant my body is going through so many changes, I can't tell or just don't know when I am shedding or having an outbreak or having a possibility of one. I read about people having rashes and yes, I am asking if you can share with me those experiences. I have had no help with these hives from drs. and I don't think they are herpes related, but you never know at this point because I am not on meds and I am only several months in on finding out I had herpes.

For veterans with H, how long did it take for you to actually know when you were going to have an outbreak? And how exactly can you tell if you are shedding or having a symptom related to herpes? Do home remedies really work for shortening outbreaks (share some if they do plz) And for newbies like me, are your outbreaks becoming more frequent since the first one?

I just can't tell what my body is doing right now and these hives are so freakin weird. I have asked to see a specialist and other doctors for months, but no one knows what the heck they are...so if you have a rash or something on your skin that is not a sore, can you please describe it to me? As weird as that sounds...and can you tell me what treatment you received and what your doctor said.

I just want some relief from this. The hives have become less frequent, but not completely gone so I want to know if this is herpes related.

What are your triggers and is there something you do to prevent it from getting worse? Let me know, I could really use the help right now in understanding all of this.

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Hi Golddust, hives are normally a sign of allergies, as far as I know. And allergies can develop at any point in our lives, sporadically, for no known reasons. Perhaps look into getting a sensitivity/allergy panel done? Could be something you are eating or a detergent or soap or cream that is causing irritation. Otherwise, I suppose there could be a possibility that it is herpes related, but not herpes itself. As in, it could be an inflammation of your skin caused by a weakened immune system or related to you diagnosis... but I am not a medical professional and would divert to their opinions. I have had hives before, pre-h, and my mother had them frequently, but they were allergy-related, so I would be more likely to suspect it has something to do with that than herpes. Hope this helps a bit.

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Yup - hives are allergy related so that means you need to see an Allergist/Immunologist for the hives.


As for knowing when you are shedding.... well, and OB is shedding on steroids. Outside of that generally you should assume you are shedding when you have the tingling, enlarged lymph glands, and other standard prodromes.... AND, you would be shedding asymptomatically which means you just plain won't know that you are shedding.






I thought I gave you the list of OTC treatments and home remedies that have worked for people but I'll put the links below again. As I have said elsewhere, I have personally found that the faster I attack the virus both inside and outside (for *me* ...taking the anti-virals at first tingle and using alum or the Oragel stuff on the lesions) significantly reduces the length and severity of my OB's ;)








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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