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very long herpes outbreak

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i have ghsv-1. i've had the same outbreak since october. i've tried antivirals and epsom salt baths. i started taking l-lysine today so i'm hoping that will help me with my outbreak. i was wondering if it's normal for an outbreak to last this long that's not on/in the labia? it's weird because the outbreak that was in the labia cleared up very quickly just on antivirals, but the other bumps that are not on the labia (they are higher up) won't seem to go away or get any better. i'm going to continue to try doing all the different things that dancer told me about.


Heya, so not every bump on our body is herpes, so perhaps go to your doctor or a dermatologist to get another opinion. It might be something completely different that requires another form of treatment. I don't think a herpes outbreak would typically last that long, especially if you are saying another region cleared up... but I'm not an expert or doctor, so would be best to consult a professional that can examine it properly. A 2nd opinion would at least help put your mind at ease.


thank you! i probably should get a swab of these other bumps. it would be crazy if i contracted two different things at once, but it is possible


Yes, but it might not even be an STD, could be any sort of skin irritation, ingrown hairs, or other. I get bumps all over my body, been dealing acne and eczema, and other fun skin conditions, so it literally could be a number of things. A swab would help confirm if it's herpes, so yes, might want to do that for peace of mind too.


I thought my initial outbreak was much longer than it was as I was looking at every texture and bump assuming they were part of it. I was diagnosed at a "doc-in-the-box" and then about two weeks later when I saw my OB-GYN (couldn't get in sooner) she said it looked all cleared up and I then pointed out things to her. As she was much more "up close and personal" than I can get ever with a hand mirror and flashlight, I had to believe her when she said "nope, that's just you."


This sounds a lot like what I have been going through. Maybe time for another opinion. My sores on the labia (I am also ghsv1) do heal rather fast but in another area its a constant annoyance. Thanks for posting and good luck. Could just be me or infection.

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