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UTI or beginning of a herpes outbreak?

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So for the bad 2 days I've been feeling uncomfortable. I thought it may be razor burn. But now after I pee it burns but on the inside of feels kind of like a uti. But of course I'm fearful this is the start of my second ob! How can I tell the difference ? I have no bumps or sores just slight burning and it's comfortable. I started taking my meds yesterday just incase and I usually take lysine and I applied tea tree oil.


Same feeling here. My ob healed last week and now in the same spot there is a feeling like tenderness which I am on daily 1000 mg valtrex and now doubled up the dosage for 3 days now!!


The only way to really know is to get to your Dr and have them check you out for a UTI - at least, until you have had a few experiences with it... over time you will learn how each feels different to YOU ... it's so hard to explain/describe how each may feel different because we all experience the pain/symptoms differently. :(


When I was first diagnosed I went to the er thinking I had a uti so they gave me the antibiotics for it then the next day I went to my medical dr and got examined and it def wasn't a uti so I stopped the medicine. I started talking them ghw day I wrote this post and felt better instantly. No sore or pain anymore so I'm pretty sure it was just a uti thank god

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