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Going down on someone with hsv2

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So I have been with my bf for four months and I disclosed to him a while ago and things went well and we have amazing sex but the one thing that is missing is oral sex, I mean I can live with out it but I kinda don't want to. I perform oral sex on him on the regular but since he knows I have hsv2 he hasn't even attempt to go down on me not even once and I can't say I blame him. So my question is, if he were to go down on me could he catch my hsv2 on his lips? For those of you who have hsv2 how did you make your partner feel comfortable with going down south?


apparently hsv2 orally is quite rare but you will see a few people on this forum that are in the approximate 1% of people who will contract it orally. The advice I received from my STD specialist and from Adrial via this site was that hsv2 prefers the genitals to all other areas of the body BUT its not impossible to get it elsewhere. my man is HSV- and goes down on me regularly with the knowledge that it is a remote possibility. I would encourage you and your boyfriend to research the site on this topic and I bet @wcsdancer2010 will even send you directly to the links for it :)


the more knowledge you both have, the less scary this will be for both of you. You can only provide him with the information and he will make the choice he is comfortable with and you will have to love and accept his choice one way or another. If you don't already use them, I suggest trying sex toys with clit stimulation that he can use on you. Its not the same I know but its still a fantastic alternative!


Go to the 19:50 mark in this video for your answer. Yes, a bit of a treasure hunt, but worth it for the answer.



And of course, avoid any sort of sexual contact (oral, genital, touching in general) during active outbreaks. That's the first rule of herpes sex club. ;)


And my personal opinion is there's still always a chance of spreading herpes, even HSV-2 to the mouth. (And judging by the amount of posts we've had on here lately with people claiming to have oral HSV-2, I'd say just be careful and be realistic.) But as always, don't be paranoid. :) Enjoy yourself and your sexuality. And be open and authentic with your boyfriend that there is a risk, although a very low one.


Technically, 98-99% of all oral herpes cases are HSV-1, meaning that 1-2% of oral herpes is HSV-2. That's what the stats tell us, at least.


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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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