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generic herpes medications vs brand name medications

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I had bad experiences on generic valtrex and acyclovir and was recently prescribed brand name valtrex that I have yet to pick up due to the high cost. I was wondering if anyone experienced any difference with the generic vs brand name medications. And if you have what we're the side effects.

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I haven't myself but if you have to use the brand name Valtrex try Googling "Discount Prescription Card" online - they give them for free and they can drastically reduce the cost of many drugs ...


One thing - we have had a number of people on here who have not tolerated Valtrex - reporting nausea and migraines and such ... so it may not be the generic issue .... one thing I've suggested that people try (don't have anything to back this up - just a hunch) is that they try to take a smaller dose (like 1/4 of a pill) for a week, then 1/2 pill for another week - increasing the dose slowly like you would for anti-depressants ... it's worth a try as it may just be that for some people the body needs time to adapt to processing the drug ... it's worth a try ....

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I haven't personally ever had an issue with generic drugs. From what I understand they have to perform the same as the name brand they are substituting. They have the same ingredients, strength, and levels in the blood stream. I think the allowed variation is something like 3%. Sometimes they are absorbed more than their counterpart and sometimes less, but they have to meet certain standards to be allowed on the market. Since the ingredients are pretty much identical, I'm guessing you might have a reaction to the brand name also. The only thing you can do is try it, perhaps you can ask for a sample to see how it affects you before paying for the prescription?

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I haven't had an issue with generic Valtrex. I've been on a daily 500 mg dose since I got off the first 2 week high dose of 2 grams. I did have to take a week of 2 grams recently due to an oral outbreak, but didn't have issues then either (the ones I had were from the surgery I had done). I do know that if you check with an OB/GYN, they can also possibly get you the discount card. I know mine has them on the counter at the front check in, in case anyone needs help with prescriptions.

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By law, generic drugs must contain the same active ingredient in the same quantities as their name- brand counterparts. So, a 500mg Valtrex tablet will contain 500mg of valacyclovir, and an approved generic alternative will also contain 500mg of valacyclovir. From a strictly therapeutic standpoint, there is no difference between the two, and each will have an equal effect in relation to suppressing HSV. Now, where the two tablets may differ, is the quantity and type of inert, inactive ingredients ("fillers") in the tablets. This is why people often complain of side effects felt with name brand drugs but not with the generic equivalent, or vice versa. They are having a reaction to the inactive ingredients found in one, but not the other.

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@wcsdancer2010 I've decided to wait until I have Symptoms of a possible outbreak to take meds. And if and when I do I'll see how they work for me. But I love your view on taking small doses and building up to the full dose so my body can get used to it. Thank you so much for your advice.

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