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Struggling lately

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About six months in to this experience. Had been doing well but I just feel so rundown lately. I've had outbreaks the past two months in a row, after going without one for almost three months. The worst is that I just constantly feel exhausted. I actually fell asleep in the middle of my own birthday party this past weekend! Trying to watch my diet and cut back on beer. But it doesn't seem to make a difference. Trying coffee next. I take lysine and valtrex daily. I exercise regularly. And I typically sleep 7-9 hours a night. Certainly more than I used to sleep! My schedule is generally less hectic than it was for the first three or four months following infection. Just not sure what's going on. And I just want to feel normal again. It just seems like I'll never sleep or rest enough to feel better. Sorry for the rant. It's been a week of ups and downs.

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Hi @chikitta13, sounds like you are doing everything right... but sometimes it's other things than herpes that has our immune system or body run down... possibly your body fighting another virus at the same time (common cold), and emotional stress? It's kinda hard to say... Also, perhaps keep finding ways to relax your mind and body. Have you tried any form of meditation or yoga? Sometimes just taking 15-20 mins out of your day to shut your mind off is good for your body too. Also, could be a potential food allergy? Sometimes allergies come on later in life and have the potential to wreak havoc on body.... eating anything out of the norm lately, or notice feeling tired after certain meals/drinks? Maybe just try to be aware of any reactions... I know it's hard, but perhaps you'll notice something. Anyways, there could be numerous reasons... just trying to help you find answers.

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Food allergies can be really difficult to self diagnose.... I suggest you go to a nutritionist and get a full run-up of possible foods... I had a client who had chronic vertigo... finally got him tested and he was HIGHLY allergic to soy (which is in everything nowadays) and once he learned all the names for soy in the ingredients list, and removed all soy, it totally cleared up :)

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