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How long does the skin stay red and inflamed after a herpes outbreak?

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I've just had an OB despite being on suppressive meds. The skin around the blister area and the vulva area generally is still red, sore and inflamed over a week after the blister healed. This redness never seems to go so I never get a let up from the pain. It's been either like this or an actual break out for over 9 months. Is there anything good that will reduce the inflamation? I'm using fractionated coconut oil but it's not helping. Thx in advance.

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Well, suppressive meds only "suppress" ... they don't always stop them ... you may want to double the meds when you feel that it's trying to come back up for a couple days and see if that helps. Everyone is different in how quickly their body gets the virus under control.... so we can't really tell you how long YOUR OB's and irritation will last I'm afraid :(


Try some of the things in the links below.


Epsom Salts baths (dump the salt right between your legs) followed by a towel dry then blow dry the area on low and go commando when possible. Some use Tea Tree Oil. Some like Bactine (it's the same stuff as the very expensive Oragel Single Dose that is used on oral herpes). Some like Hydrogen Peroxide. L-Lysine pills seem to help many, but not everyone. Lots of great info in the links :)






http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below






Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil





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@ktk. I know exactly what you are experiencing. Mine has been since jan. the only time I notice that it starts to go away is if I suddenly take bunch of valtrex. But it comes back. For longest time it burned. Been to several doctors, numerous times. Had it cultured, no herpes lesion. Tested for infections, negative. Steroids made it worse same with lemon balm. The doctor did give me a prescription for a antidepressant for the skin. Can't remember the exact name. It's a compound med therefore I'm almost positive my insurance won't cover it and I don't have money right now to fill it. So I do nothing, totally leave it alone for now. If it does burn were it is painful I apply lidocaine. I found epson salt bath made it burn, oatmeal bath soothes it. Aquaphor helped a tiny bit.


The skin in our sacred area is very sensitive. So be patient.

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Believe me, I wish there was a remedy. For longest time, knowing this redness is there in combination of being diagnosed made me feel even more abnormal. Made it very difficult to press forward in my acceptence of herpes. I used all the negative test results as a positive influence for my mind to believe it will just take time for the nerves to calm down. If you have any doubts,Mao back to your doctor.

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@stillmebutwiser I might ask my gp if I can try the compound anti-depressant. Im in the UK so no cost but she might refuse anyway. I'm just coming off 6 months of low dose tri cyclic anti depressants which were prescribed before the herpes diagnosis. They didn't help at all. I've also ordered a bunch of supplements like the b complex vits, lysine, etc. will report back if there's any improvement. Was feeling pretty down yesterday. No sex, no let up from the pain, and no guarantee of when it will go. Trying to feel more positive today. Husband being supportive which helps. L

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't say my skin is still red an inflamed but the area where I had a lesion and the largest sore is still tender at times. The skin looks normal now but occasionally is tender. When you were talking with your Doctors did they mention if left over skin irritation is a sign you're still shedding? All I want to do it get back to having sex lol

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That means I've been shedding almost non stop for 11 months :( I definitely think it means that the virus is very active cos on the few occasions that the redness and pain has gone, it's been very sudden as if the virus suddenly retreats. Yeah sex would be great! No interest when it's all angry and sore!

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Far as the shedding, im not sure. When my doctor did a culture of the red inflammation it came back negative for hsv. The part I dont understand is at the time of my first outbreak a boodtest was taken. The results were positive 6. Basically stating had the virus for sometime before it made its debut. So if my body had it under control for however long, why cant it get under control now?

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Its weird isn't it and so frustrating. I think I had my first outbreak 16 months before my second one and very little soreness/redness in between the two so why can my body not deal with the virus now and for the last 10/11 months. Really hoping I'm not one of those who suffer like this for years :-(

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I'm using Epsom salts, vit e oil, fractionated coconut oil, supplements etc.,I will go back to my doctor but I've already been on low dose tricyclic antidepressants which didn't help so I'm not hopeful. I think the virus is still very active - why else would I get tingling itching and swelling?

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  • 1 month later...

Update: eventually returned to doctor who re prescribed low dose anti depressants and also vagifem suppositories. I'm 52 and have no ovaries and despite being on HRT it seems I needed extra help down there! Worked wonders and alleviated some of the irritation. So to all those menopausal women - keep an eye on your estrogen levels. The anti depressants have worked well too this time so I'm now having much less pain and no more tingling burning etc. I hope that this is the light at the end of the tunnel. Just thought I'd report back to show that sometimes there's more than herpes going on.

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So glad to hear, because I am likely going to have a hysterectomy next year, because my endometriosis is getting bad again. I'm terrified because I know the surgery is going to cause me to breakout and then I will go into menopausemenopause and am very fearful what it's going to do to mw, as I've had a hard time controlling H due to autoimmune diseases.

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