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Suppressive therapy for herpes

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I have been doing a lot of thinking about how to lower the amount of OB i have and also make the chances low of transmitting it to others. Im not sexually active atm anyways so thats no worry to me atm.


I went to the doctors today to discuss with the doctor about getting a longer dose of Aciyclavor because I have had 4 OB this month. They don't effect me, its just itchy and irratating. The doctor gave me a course of 56 tablets (take them 3 times a day) but I don't know if thats even the right or effective way. I have to finish the course and then my doctor said if that doesn't work he would give me an antispectic cream to numb the area.


I just wanted some replies on how people went about starting the suppressive therapy and whether I went the right way about it and some advice aswell. Thanks.


During the first 6 months, you will get the most outbreaks as your body is getting used to having this new virus. After your body develops antibodies for it, the outbreaks will naturally slow down, both in intensity and frequency. I'm always a fan of not leaning on the medication, but to just use this as a great reason to simply take better care of yourself across the board: eat healthy, think positive thoughts, treat yourself well. All of those help your body develop greater resistance to any outside bug, including herpes.


And when I was with my partner who didn't have herpes, I wanted to protect her, so I went on daily suppressive therapy. I took 400mg of Acyclovir 2x/day. Now that I'm single, I don't take daily suppressive therapy. I only get 1-2 outbreaks per year, so it's really not needed unless I get back into a relationship to protect a partner who doesn't have herpes.


If the outbreaks don't bother you, I wouldn't take the medication. Consider that any medication you take needs to be processed through your liver, so there is a cost to the health of your liver for each pill you take. I only take medication if it's absolutely necessary. For everything else, I just take better care of myself. And I use the outbreak times as my body really telling me to slow down and chill out. When you take the stigma out of herpes, it is just a skin irritation that shows up to remind me to take care of myself.


Here's a blog post I wrote about herpes and medication:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:


Thank you. Now that you told me about the liver thing I think I may just take your advice and take it when I am in a relationship, as of now its not really necassary and i have a good immune system to fight it off anyway. Its just sometimes its very annoying.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was on suppressive at first. After awhile, I just stopped taking it because my body didn't react to the meds well. I talked to my doctor who told me to take Zovirax 800mgs 2x a day for 10 days only when I have an outbreak. When I feel my prodromal symptoms, I start right then. I don't want it to ever break surface. Other than that, I never take them. Hope this helps. :)


Thanks. I mean tbh i have a healthy lifestyle and stuff so my OB are never severe and they only last like 2-5 days, most OB ive had so far lasted 3 days and tbh Adrial is right. It is only necassary to take the tablets unless im in a relationship with someone who doesn't have h. Thats a good idea though to take them when you feel prodromal symptoms coming, never thought of that :) Thanks StephanieWS


You're very welcome. I have only had one severe OB and that was way after I had already found out. The longest I ever have them are usually 5 days and I will take my meds once or twice a day to make it clear faster. Other than that, meds actually give me a headache and make me a little lightheaded, so I try not to take them on a regular basis.


I was on Valtrex during the year after I acquired HSV2, and was having frequent "occurrences." Valtrex/valcyclovir worked like a charm to get rid on both occurrences and prodrome symptoms. I was in a relationship with the man who gave me his gift, so I was not worried about suppressing for anyone else's sake. I was forced to go on Acyclovir because Valtrex was not covered on our crappy insurance plan at my company. I found that Acyclovir didn't do too much, if anything, and actually seemed to make me a little dizzy and fatigued.


Now, I have been eating very well, juicing, taking supplements and I have a pretty healthy exercise schedule. I'm going on two years with H now, so I hope my body is finally starting to really resist the virus. I mostly get prodrome symptoms, and they seem to be fortunately decreasing in intensity. Knock on wood.


That said, if I end up back in a relationship with a non-H guy, I'll be paying the price for the valcyclovir.

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