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I Have All The Signs....But?

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Im 16 YRS old , male

And i believe that i might have HSV1 Genital Herpes :(. I feel likw comitting suicide....

I have EVERY SINGLE SYMPTOM except for burning while urination :`( i am now crying all freakin over my phone, but the only thing is i have never had sex.. But i did realize that i have been using this pleasure toy...and lube...and im soo sooo scared, im thinking "could someomeone really have used this then gave it to me?!!" if i do have this i dont know what ill do, ive been crying for 7 days straight and each night ive cried myself to sleep.. Saying to myself "u'll never have kids"

"U'll NEVER be in a relationship" and "Ur just a damaged package"...im so scared as to what i'll do if i get diagnosed ..i really dont know


Please excuse any typos , and thank you all for reading this.....

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What do they look like? I don't think you can get that from a sex toyz unless someone was infected and literally just handed it to you to use, right after them and they'd have to be shedding or having an OB.


What do they look like and why is that the first conclusion you jumped to? You need to stay off Google.

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@2Legit2Quit they look like small blisters and sometimes they itch and sometimes they dont, i recently had bug-bite like bumps on me that itched like crazy, and my thigh muscles hurt..and yes you're correct i looked up all my symptoms and...it says its likely i have herpes....i really dont know what to do or think, i geuss i should get tested then?

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OK so first let me say "Calm down...breathe...count to three" :) No matter what, you will be ok. Trust me.


So tell us the story and timeframe of you using this sex toy. This will help us brainstorm with you. Like @2Legit2Quit said, someone would've had to use the sex toy right before you, for it to even be possible. I mean RIGHT before you. The virus lives like 10 seconds after exposed to oxygen and approx 2 hours in a moist and warm environment (which is very rare).



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Okay so i ordered the toy and lube off of Amazon...

And as soon as it got here i didnt wash it or anything i just used the lube that came w it shipping for both was like 2 days

A couple weeks after i started to experience the bug-bite like bumbs that itch

After that i started to notice crust on my penis right under the fold of the head and i started to cry

After the crust was discovered my penis somtimes became sore and itchy and has some white stuff on it. I considered suicide of 10+ times today and did nothing but cry and cry and cry ,

My penis it sorta irritated right now and the thing is 1 hr and half ago it wasent, the thing is i camt calm down. This is happening to me at 16 ? All day im thinking "wow isnt my life fantastic"

I have no other support besides this forum since my mom is away for a little, and my biggest fear is never finding someone....like ever. And i cant keep myself from thinking "this is my punishment from god" and my suicidal thoughts get worse and worse. My main thought is maybe i have HSV1 and used my spit at one point, and i cant believe myself that im posting this but ive ran clear out of options.

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Do not freak out. You've never had sex before, so the only contact you're having is with your self. If you have HSV1 orally...the odds of you genitally transmitting it to yourself are very low because your body would have already built the antibodies to combat that specific strain-assuming you've had it for a duration.


Get tested, it will probably turn out to be a bacterial infection from not cleaning the toy properly, based off of the information you've given. My advice is to give yourself a break. You shouldn't kill yourself, it is a waste of time. Why would you give up this life for something you know nothing about, a big question mark. I believe in God, but I'm not sure what happens to people who commit suicide. DO NOT give up problems you know for problems that may be worse. Your life is just beginning, someone will love you if you have it and someone will love you if you do not.

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@WCSDancer2010 can you please comment on this? I don't know how males react to irritation the way women do, but there is no way in hell, he got herpes from a NEW sex toy he ordered online.


You are supposed to clean toys that you get, due to chemical residue before you use them, so I could see a bad reaction from that. The fact that he assumed it was HSV 1, says he's been online and he can't event get it the way he's described. Just going to need your long and knowledgeable experience on this one.


@JDKJD did you clean it out first? You do realize that there is chemical residue on it from the factory when you receive it right? Also, you're supposed to clean it after each use. On top of that, I've yet to see a sex toy come w a water based lube. It comes w some cheep oil or silicone lube, that causes a lot of allergic reactions for people.


You keep saying you have all symotons, but please describe YOUR symptoms specifically.

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I have to agree with @2Legit2Quit about the friction and/or reaction to the lube. I was a 16 year old male once myself. As a matter of fact on my last birthday I turned 16 for the third time. Never used sex toys. Back then the best I could do was Rosy Palmer and her five sisters and a couple girly magazines. I did manage a nice little friction sore once, so I really wouldn't get to worried about what's going on now. If seeing a doctor would give you peace of mind do it. Take this opportunity to educate yourself about herpes and STD's in general. I'm pretty sure in the end this will just be a nice little wake up call.

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I know i just didnt know at the time ..


But my symptoms are..

Lower back pain

Thigh muscles hurting

Right arm muscle hurting


Feeling like i have to vomit

Sometimes really hot



But i dont have


Swollen lymph nodes (at least that ive checked)

Burning while urination


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Ok friend. Here's the deal. I'm out of town so I have to keep this brief as I have limited access to the Internet. But it's 99.9 percent sure that you don't have herpes based on what you're saying. I agree with the other is it odds are you're having some kind of reaction to either the lube, the chemicals on the item when you got it. Or even the item itself if it happens to have latex in it.


Get yourself to Planned Parenthood and have them do a swab of the sores if they deem it necessary. If you can't get there immediately, I would actually try taking an antihistamine to see if it's an allergic reaction. If that clears it up pretty fast, then you pretty much have your answer.


And please please please stay off of Dr Google. unless you know how to find your sources, and thank goodness you found us, you can do it self diagnose yourself into any kind of life-threatening illness.


And as far as considering suicide, please you are really over thinking this and buying into a stigma that you know nothing about. I got hsv2 at age 17, and I since had a really nice married for 20 years and several boyfriends since all of whom accepted the fact that I had the virus. It's a nuisance for most and occasional real pain for some. But it's certainly not worth committing suicide over.



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