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(Paranoia Paranoia) Autoinoculation with no Breakout?

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Alright, team. I keep a pretty upbeat, hopeful mind around this whole diagnosis, but I need a little bit of help here...



GHSV-2, acquired July 4.

I have a weakened immune system right now - another bad bout of tonsillitis that has me on steroids and antibiotics, yikes!

On suppressive medication (Valtrex, 1g / day)


As I was sitting on the couch today, I was laying...erm...exposed...and rested my hand on my thigh/labia (not any "play" just resting there). Not thinking (SO CRAZY) I brought that same hand and pulled at a bit of my lip that I'd bitten earlier that day (meaning, there was a cut on my lip where I touched).


Given that I wasn't having any outbreaks or prodromes, I was only lightly resting my hand, and my most recent outbreak (1 sore) healed on Tuesday and wasn't anywhere in the area that I was resting my hand, can the others on the board just set my mind at ease a bit and let me know the danger that I'm looking at?


I will be so much more careful in the future - I honestly had 3 seconds that I forgot I had herpes and made an error...




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@NothingGoodGetsAway Honestly, I don't think it is anything to worry about. It takes a little more effort than that to spread it. Especially if your body has already started creating antibodies for HSV2. Don't worry your pretty little head ok :)

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BREATHE!!! You are not an oozing ball of viral particles. Sure, you *may* be shedding at any one time, but fact(s) of the matter is:


1) HSV2 REALLY doesn't like the oral region


2) You need somewhere in the region of 40 MILLION viral particles to get a proper inoculation ... and that is before you have any antibodies to the virus ... so a light touch isn't likely to get anywhere near that to get the job done, even with you being on antibiotics and steroids :)



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