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This 27 year old Male has Herpes.

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Well I said it...yikes! I've been struggling with my first outbreak for a six days now (it's still going strong...). I'll admit I'm freighten. I occilate from being completely okay with what is happening to being sad and thinking "is my penis ever going to look cute again?" I'm slowly coming to peace with what is happening I'm just hoping I can survive this first outbreak without too may psychological scars. I've found that continuing my normal social and work activities has helped and that sitting at home being moody has only led to self-loathing, which I've vetoing. I've Google so much, and felt overwhelmed by a lot, but I've read a lot of the science articles on how suppressive medication works, as well as perused the website of the CDC for guidance, which has helped with coping (could be helpful for people). This forum has been awesome, because it allowed me to interpret this disease differently, and allowed me to see that Herpes is annoying but it can be manageable - so thank you!


For now I'm just going to keep swimming (I hope people got that reference). If anyone has tips on first outbreaks or advice for this newbie I'll gladly take it - if not, thank you for allowing me to process what is happening in a healthy, safe space.



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Siak in Epsom salt baths and spray Bactine. Helps a lot.


Sorry you had to join the club bro and fyi... No penis is cute . ;-). It'll look normal again, don't worry. I counted 22 sores on me during my primary and my vagina looks the same as it did before H, so try not to fret. You're doing all the right things to move in from this. There is a grieving period and the rollercoaster of emotions is completely normal. You will come to a place if acceptance one day, don't worry. I swear to god, my life went in fast forward once I got H and put a lot of things into perspective for me and made me see how much time I've wasted in wallowing in selt pity and HATE.

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Hey @m_USA - I 'm a 25 y/o male with HSV 2 also. I have had herpes for about 14 months.


So! In my case I am a pretty active fit guy who has always ate healthy and maintained my health. I had unprotected sex with a girl who told me she had been checked and had no STI's (Doh!).


From my experience I had about 2-3 months of constant outbreaks.. Nothing huge just small red marks... However they would clear up for 1 month then come back for 1 week or 2 and so on.. It was pretty unpredictable. Basically after 6-8 months they were completely gone. However I did find scars beneath my pubic hair.. so make sure you look out for that. As I totally wasn't aware that I got sores in the spot until my pubic hairs had been trimmed haha!


Anyway man... I ended up dating a girl and giving her the talk. She was great about it and was so amazed and happy I was straight up and honest about it.. I have been seeing her for 6 months now... and we don't even think about herpes. I take my anti virals every day and I wear a condom.



There will be tough days and as you stated the best thing is to stay busy. I ended up doing a half marathon to keep my mind off it. The stigma is a joke and at the end of the day it's a skin condition. I am don't even think about it these days.. even when taking my anti-viral medication. Basically life goes on... you can walk, talk, hear see and think and I know people who have lost those basic abilities and would give anything to swap with me and have herpes... You sound like a positive dude, so keep your head high man...


Message me if you want to talk or any advice brother!





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