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Background: I'm a 27 year old man, and I have a slight idea who gave me HSV2 but i'm not 100%. For the past year i've been in an amazing monogamous relationship with an incredible man that I love and the disclosure was cathartic - it went really well, he got tested shortly after and he is HSV2 negative but HSV1 positive...surprise!


I do have a question about Oral sex: Does anyone know how common is it for someone to get HSV2 from performing oral sex? If there are any guys out there (straight or gay) maybe they can chime in here or anyone who has been itimate with a HSV2 positive male or a woman.


During my initial outbreak we messed around but I was off limit (he got all the fun) but now i'm going three weeks strong with out any visible outbreaks (I get sharp pains once in a while in the area where I had the outbreak but nothing visible) and we both feel comfortable having sex but i'm concerned about oral sex - by the way, a week ago I started taking one 500mg tablet of valtrex as well as one 1g of lysine, daily. I've seen discussions of people that said that they had outbreaks in there throat from HSV2 due to Oral sex, so I what to be safe. Is he at a high risk? Should I abstain completely from it, and just have protected sex?


Any advice or stories would be amazing. If anyone out there wants to share but not public please PM me.


Thanks everyone for hearing my story. This has been a roller coaster of ride, but i'm just happy and feeling blessed that this isn't a deadly virus and that I have such great people in my life.





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HSV 2 doesn't like the mouth. Only 1% of cases of oral herpes are HSV 2 and those are usually in immune comprised patients. This is something I would not stress over. You guys have been together all this time and haven't had any problems right? So need not worry about oral sex and have 2. Obviously it is a no brainer, to abstain during symptoms. :-)

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I've been wondering this same question, since I'm now in a committed relationship and we're becoming more comfortable with each other...but I'm working to become mentally comfortable with it, to believe the experts on this forum and in this space.


I found this link very helpful, from Terri Warren from Westover Heights - very to the point-


https://www.sexualhealth.com/i-have-genital-herpeswill-my-boyfriend-ever-be-able-to-give-me-oral-sex-without-protection_question_294/ (My favorite part is where she is upfront about what will happen if they do catch it- very mild, might happen once and will look just like a regular cold sore).


And her response, that in 28 years she's seen 5 cases:



And a link from this site:



And finally, from Dr. Peter Leone, a frequent expert cited by Adrial:



Hope those help!!

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One more link for you, but yes, HSV2 doesn't like the mouth.... you are at higher risk of passing it genitally to be honest but if you are on antivirals and using condoms, your risk is going to be in the 1-2% ... right up there with the risk of being in a car accident ;)


Oral Sex discussion Dr Leone

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