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HSV2 orally

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Hi. I was diagnosed with HSV 2 from a culture swab of a sore on my labia. I'm sure I got it when I had an unprotected sexual encounter a two weeks prior. The antibodies did not show up in my blood tests because the infection was too recent. However, I have a bump on my lip. I did preform oral sex on the person a week after our unprotected sex (neither one of us knew he had it) and the bump appeared last night. I haven't had any if the predrone systems that I had with the first outbreak, it's just a bump. And I'm not sure if it's a cause for concern. I won't know if I have HSV1 until the antibodies form but because he had HSV2, can that transfer to my mouth and become HSV1 or can it remain the same and be HSV2 orally as well?

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First of all, no cause for concern really, no matter what! Read on :)


I'm at the doctor so I might need to be brief, but just for your information, the type of hsv (1 or 2) can live in either place, but it has well preferred "homes". Hsv-1 prefers the mouth, so if it's contracted genitally it recurs less often. Most will get their primary outbreak of hsv1 genitally and not have too many more symptoms.

So, the same is true of hsv2. Yes it can be contracted in the mouth via oral sex, but it doesn't really like it as "home". If it if it's hsv2 on your mouth, chances are high this will be the only time you saw it there


THAT SAID; hsv2 is rare in the oral region - less than 1% of oral herpes will turn out to be hsv2. You have a better chance of it being a stress pimple from everything. My advice would be to watch it - messing with it or popping it will only make it seem more cold sore like. If it looks and feels like a pimple, then it will either form a white head or go down. If it is hsv2, it might get a little blister and then scab over.

If it does blister, then you might want to head to the doc and ask for a swab.


Ps regardless of location, hsv 1 stays hsv1 and hsv2 stays hsv2. You might see phrases like ohsv-2 or ghsv-1 - "o" is for "oral" and "g" is for "genital"!



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Hmm.... Does it feel hard or soft? Blister like? No sensations? No tenderness? If it is HSV 2, if you do have an oral OB it likely would be very minor and to never happen again. They found have 2 orally, will stay dormant forever orally or show it's self maybe once every 10yrs. It would be less of an issue orally, than it would be HSV 1, let's out it that way. Just keep an eye on it. I like that camphor cold sore stuff better than abreva.. Yellow and green tube and it works great. Start applying that now.

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