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Can you get genital herpes from oral sex

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I know I've been posting a bit but just trynna gather as much info as I can. I know it's extremely rare that HSV2 will be found in the mouth but what if my partner gives me oral sex, is it possible for the HSV2 virus to travel southbound and start breaking out on his genitals? I viewed the FAQ and couldnt find the answer.

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Ok so I have two more questions that I'll just ask here since you answer all of my posts anyway lol.

I think I may be having another outbreak coming on but I'm not sure. It's a slight tingling sensation but I know it can just be my mind because my first one was like a *tingleeeeee* that just wouldn't go away but this one just seems like "eh, you may be thinking it's there." I just took my medicine anyway to start the 3 day treatment.

Secondly, I feel the need to ask in case this is an outbreak. I'm currently seeing someone negative for HSV, any strains, and I know you can't participate in sexual activity when having an outbreak but since mine is HSV2 and if doesn't travel up into my mouth, can I still participate in *those* activities for him?

And thanks btw, you and this site have helped a lot w my dealing w this. I appreciate it.



*update: the tingle went away but I feel like it'll be right back*

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No. My doctor took me off suppressive but I think I'm gonna start it again because it makes me feel better about it. And the tingle does mean to abstain right? Just to be completely sure? I've been monitoring it and no physical breakthrough yet. Well at least i don't think so. I can't tell the difference yet

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Ok - I'm going to chime in here. *IF* you think you have an OB coming on, *even with HSV2*, I would NOT have your partner give you oral. One of the things that determines whether we pass it on is the *amount* of virus we are shedding. Outbreaks are essentially shedding on steroids. Prodromes can have varying amounts of shedding going on, and we never know how much that will be, but they are often a warning of an impending OB.


Even though HSV2 doesn't like the oral region, it CAN pass there if all things align: the person may have a small sore/cut in the area, chapped lips, their immunity may be compromised, you may be shedding heavily, etc. The general rule of thumb is if you are at *all* concerned that you have an OB coming in, you proceed with caution. Now, over the years, you may find that you get tingles and no OB's and you *may* take that risk further down the road as you know your body and your partner knows theirs (because *they* need to be more cautious when they are sick, have nicked themselves shaving, etc). But definitely in your early days with the virus, I would be more cautios.


That said, Herpes gives us a GREAT "Opportunity" to find other ways to get our freak on.... so it doesn't mean you can't have fun! Just get creative! If anything, it will open up other ways for you to not only play, but your communication around sex may also get a lot better!




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5807/list-the-ways-to-protect-my-partner-from-getting-herpes-hsv2 Safe alternatives to sex




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