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Blood test positive for HSV 1...

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I found out this past weds that my blood test was positive for HSV 1 (IGG 4) & negative for HSV 2 (<0.9). When I first saw the lab results email, I variety of emotions drowned me: anger, sadness, shock & scared as hell. I spent the first 3 days crying & thinking "my life is iver, no one will want me" & "who/when did I get this?!". I even briefly thought about ending it all. I have to say that I do feel somewhat better reading the forums & info on here & on westoverheights.com. My Nurse Practitioner even went the extra mile (I guess) of downloading & printing "The Updated Herpes Handbook" by Terri Warren for me at my appt.


Since the test results, I have done so much research on the herpes virus & I can't believe how many people have HSV1, & how many don't even know! It sucks & is crazy as hell that herpes testing isn't apart of standard std testing & that the CDC has made it that way. I think if more ppl knew how common it is & knew their status, a lot of ppl wouldn't be as freaked out &/or ignorant about it.


Anywho, enough of my babbling. I do have some questions that maybe someone can answer or shed some light on. I had the same herpes testing done in June of this year (antibody IGG type specific) & both came back negative. My current guy & I had unprotected sex & we both performed oral sex on each other, this past August. He is the only guy I have had sex with this year (once in August) & the only one I have kissed (tongue) this year as well (January, August, end of September, beginning of October). So when my test results came back, I automatically thought it was him. Until....I remembered that I peck/quick kissed someone on the lips I dated a few years ago, back in April. It was only once, even though I'm sure that means nothing. My current guy says he got tested for everything at the beginning of the year & everything came by negative. My NP says she doubts he was tested for herpes since it's not included in standard testing & a lot of doctors are more likely to not test their guy patients for herpes.


So, did my current guy give it to me? Or my ex that I kissed in April, which would explain the negative test in June b/c I hadn't developed the antibodies yet? If it was in fact a false negative in June, what are the chances that I gave it to my guy. We are long distance which is why we haven't seen too much of each. He's getting tested & im worried that he may come back negative & not want to be with me anymore.


Also, I'm scheduled to get my wisdom teeth pulled on Monday & have read that this can cause an outbreak. What are the chances of that happening? I haven't had any symptoms, not outbreak or sores, so my NP couldn't do a swab. She also said I don't need to be on antiviral meds.


I appreciate any and all advice/answers. Thank u.

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80% of the adult population has oral herpes, this does not have the stigma.attached to it that genital herpes has.


You can get it from just pecking. Nobody can answer that question for you, unless he goes and requests a test specifically for herpes and I agree w your NP, I'm pretty confident they didn't test him either. W that said. Most have oral herpes.


There is nothing to worry about. Clearly your body handled the virus well. Just because you have your teeth pulled, doesn't mean it will ssuddenly cause an OB.

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Most people don't comment much on here. @wcsdancer2010 is a mod and people will wait for her, myself and a couple others to comment... I know that it can be shocking to see how many views you get and one or a couple commenting and not take it personal. There's just a couple of us on here that dish out the main advice.


What was so hard about today! Are you ok? Also, you don't have cold sores and most on here, have genital herpes and the reason for being on here. Cold sores so not have the stigma associated w it, so some may not understand why you're upset over it, especially since you have no cold sores.

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I guess I'm somewhat playing into the stigma surrounding herpes period: gonna be alone forever, no one is going to want me, etc.. In addition to not knowing who I got it from since my test was negative in June. It doesn't help that my current guy has been distant since I told him. My NP said I didn't have to tell him b/c it's HSV 1. But that's just not how I roll... I know some days will be good & others not-so-good.

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So, you're right...if you got a blood test, and it was negative in June, then that means you got this recently...which means you would have gotten it from your BF or potentially that quick kiss in April.


I think the question is...what are you *really* worried about? 80% of the population has this, so almost everyone you are or will be with also has this.


Was the kiss in April while you were dating this guy still? If so, maybe your concern is more about doing something "wrong" and feeling "guilty" about it. Have you shared that you kissed someone else (even if you weren't together at the time?). Sometimes, boys *hate* to hear about you kissing or doing stuff with any other man....that could make him jealous even if you weren't together. Just so you know, people can get HSV-1 from sharing sodas with other people, let alone full makeouts. You could have even gotten it from a girlfriend you went to the movies with, there's just no telling.


Either way, we all go through the feeling that we could have "changed" something about our actions and what we did.


I do not think your guy was checked for "everything" in January. The person I got HSV2 from was "clean" but had never been checked for herpes. So that's always a nice surprise, right?

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No, I haven't told him about the kiss in April..we were together at that point. I just recently thought about it when I signed up for this forum. My main concern or "fear" is that my bf didn't give it to me and when his test results come back,, they will be negative and he won't want to be with me anymore. On the flip side, we are long distance so idk what he could have been up to.


you're right about sharing drinks, even though I've tried to think of every moment that I may have done that, I can't remember if I did...or didn't. I'm usually pretty good about not drinking after people, but you never know.


My other concern is that, b/c I haven't had an outbreak, orally or down below, I don't know where the virus is , if that makes sense.

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I have to wonder the type if test they gave you. If they gave you a combined and an IgM, it can have a false positive if you have ever had any herpes virus, such as chicken pox or mobo. Mind you. Most of us are infected w mobi and never got sick. Idound out I have antibodies to it, after testing for autoimmune diseases and I never got sick w mono. So those two viruses alone, which most of us have as adults, can cross react I'd the wrong test is given and give you a false positive for HSV 1 and/or 2


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And this is up to you to disclose that you kissed someone else. We all make different judgement calls for the situation at hand, and you made that decision then. HOWEVER, you have no way of knowing that you even got this from that ex back in April.


I'm telling you, I never really noticed how often I share food / drinks with others until I was diagnosed with HSV2. I sat and watched 6 girlfriends pass around a cider beer as a kind of "going out pregame", and took a swig myself (hell, what can it hurt at this point right??). You may not have even really remembered drinking after someone, but there are a TON of days and nights between May to now (your potential exposure window). Hell, someone could have stolen your drink at the bar when you were in the bathroom on a dare.


Who knows! But the point is, you can get this from anything. So, it's your call if you want to come "clean" about the kiss in April, or stick to your guns and not let this come out.


As far as location, the good good chance is that you've got this orally (and if you've got it genitally, then it's 100% your boyfriend and so that problem is solved!). This is why most practitioners won't give blood tests to someone that's not showing any symptoms...because you don't know "where" it is, and you've never shown symptoms, it messes with your brain.


This whole herpes thing is a total mental game. At the end of the day, for most of us, it's a little itch, tingle or blister in an inconvenient (genitals) or conspicuous (lips) place. For you, seems like it's a nothing at all, and your body is just fighting it off like it should.


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Thanks so much! I can sit here and try to to remember all the little details..and "what-ifs", but that just contributes to the mental stuff. I guess I just have to wait and see if or when I get an outbreak and go from there to take the special precautions I'll have to take from here on out. But yes, if it turns out to be gentially, then if def came from my bf...which is a catch 22/bittersweet in itself. Again, thanks for responding. It helps :)

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Welp, the bf stopped talking to me. It's been over a week since we last spoke. He told me he was going to get tested too, but he isn't talking to me so I don't know what he results were.. This is someone who claimed to "love and care" about me very much. I guess not that much right? The past week has been very rough for me..1st the hsv1 stuff followed by being rejected by someone I love....

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First - Hello and Welcome!




I found out this past weds that my blood test was positive for HSV 1 (IGG 4) & negative for HSV 2 (<0.9). When I first saw the lab results email, I variety of emotions drowned me: anger, sadness, shock & scared as hell. I spent the first 3 days crying & thinking "my life is iver, no one will want me" & "who/when did I get this?!". I even briefly thought about ending it all.


Since the test results, I have done so much research on the herpes virus & I can't believe how many people have HSV1, & how many don't even know! It sucks & is crazy as hell that herpes testing isn't apart of standard std testing & that the CDC has made it that way. I think if more ppl knew how common it is & knew their status, a lot of ppl wouldn't be as freaked out &/or ignorant about it.


So - can you see what you just wrote here? You say if people knew they wouldn't be freaked out but you got freaked out - and that is EXACTLY why the CDC doesn't want to test. Their feeling is it isn't a big enough deal and that "ignorance is bliss" .... so they say that the stress of having a positive without symptoms is why they don't test.


What we need is better sex ed, period. But that is a whole nuther discussion.


As for the BF, if he splits over this, he's really not worth your time and the

herpes Wingman" will be showing you who he really is...sadly a LOT of men seem to need to crawl into their cave and shut their partners out when they get freaked out about something.... so this likely is a good insight into how he will be in difficult times in the future.


So you can either wait it out, or call him out on it. Either way, I'm guessing he's got some "bad" (incorrect) info or his friends are giving him bad advice or whatever. So I'd say send him here, or print out the handouts and send them to him and send him the Westover Heights handout (YAY that your Dr knew about them!!!!) and the Project Accept link. IE: Make sure he has CORRECT info.


As for your status - I'm not 100% sure you have HSV1 (and if you do, welcome to the club! 80% of us have it after all! .. Which is why, if the BF walks away, he's showing you that he's not being realistic) I would contact WH and perhaps do the Western Blot - I know that a 4 is supposedly a solid positive but I would want to make sure you have it seeing as you have no symptoms and you recently tested negative.


As for how you got it - well, everyone covered that pretty well. Odds are you will never know. And if the BF doesn't get it that you could have got it ANYWHERE, including in many non-sexual ways, then perhaps he's not worth your time because odds are that if other things go wrong in your relationship, he will not be understanding or realistic, especially if he's not good at doing his "due diligence".




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Herpes facts video







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Thank you WCSDancer2010!!! At this point he's made it clear where he stands in regards to us. I've reached out a several times to no avail. So I just want be at peace with this & try to move on. I thought about getting the western blot for hsv1 since that's considered the "gold standard"...maybe sometime next year. Thank you (everyone) for your input. It's nice to have a place to go to and not feel judged or rejected.

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