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Blood test positive for HSV 1...

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Has anyone gone through a phase of being rejected or cutoff after telling someone, and thinking "yea, I don't blame them"...? That's what I'm experiencing right now. Understanding my ex for cutting me off for this. We haven't talked in two weeks :'f

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Though the feeling of "I don't blame them" is understandable, it's NOT warranted!


Reverse the situation...if he told you that he had HSV-1, that all you had to do was abstain from kissing or oral sex during an OB, and that he was considering suppressive therapy to further protect you...what would you say? I bet you would be willing to at least do research and understand how little of a disease this is.


I think, and I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I think what you're feeling is the guilt perhaps over doing something "wrong" and that you "deserve" to be pushed away. Kissing an ex in April wasn't technically "right," but you don't deserve to be punished and you certainly don't deserve to be pushed away by something as small as HSV-1. BTW - remember- over 80% of the U.S. has HSV-1, so good luck to your BF trying to find the 1 in 5 women who don't have this!!


Does he know about the kiss? If so, I've had that same situation happen to me (in the reverse) and it's a tough thing to hear, and he is likely processing what that means and is using H as his excuse to hide his hurt. If not, then he's just kind of being an idiot.

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Thank you for your response. I know that I'm being extremely hard on myself. And at the end of the day, there's really no way of figuring out how I acquired this. Shit it could have been from him, but I'll never know (he was supposed to get tested, but he cut me off completely so idk what his results were or if he even got tested). I guess it's irrelevant. But you're right, if the situation was reversed, I would do exactly that.

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