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Going asymptomatic after initial outbreak

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Hey guys. So I'm still getting used to this diagnosis and my initial HSV2 outbreak was a month and a half ago. From my diagnosis, I started Valtrex and did suppressive therapy, if you can call it that, for about 2 weeks, 3 weeks max. I then had a few tingle tingles down there but nothing broke through. It was nothing like the first run through though and I don't know if an actual outbreak didn't happen because I started treatment just in case or what. And I must admit, the initial outbreak was mild and I probably wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't routinely checking after psyching myself out. Anyway, I have a cold right now and I've been pretty stressed as of late because its finals week here in college and I'm extremely worried that I contracted HIV during the same encounter but through all of that, no outbreak. Not even prodrome. I'm only feeling a tingle right now as I type this and I think its because I'm thinking about it in the moment. Does this mean that I have gone asymptomatic or something else? I read that 80% of here cases are asym but does that mean after the initial outbreak or before?

Really, the reason I'm asking is because I'm curious. I think I've come to terms with this situation but I still have questions that pop up in my head throughout the day. Thank you.

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Once you have an ob, you're not classified as asymptomic. I have sensations all the time and don't actually present with a physical ob. You are expericing what we call prodrome. It takes time for things to calm down there, but I always take the senstaion as to mean taht I'm at least shedding. Is there a chance you could go without never having a physical ob again, yes.. but no way of telling. I recommend you journal daily your sympoms, location, frequency and possible triggers. I did this for like 7 or more months to learn my body post H and for as long as I did, because as time went on, the symtoms changed. They're still changing a year and a half later. Try not to over think it so much, as hard as that can be.


My friend worried about the HIV thing too, as it ran through my mind since I contracted HSV. The chances are very unlikely, but the only thing you can do, is retest in 3 months just to be sure you don't. you also can if your insruance covers it, go to the ER and take a quick reaction test for HIV. I think it can detect it with in two weeks after exposure wiht that test, but it is very expensive and depends if your insurance will cover it.

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Agreed with @2legit2quit - asymptomatic means you have had basically zero traditional symptoms, or no symptoms at all. That's the 80% of people that don't know they have this. Once you have an outbreak, you're one of the 20% of people that know that they have H, because you had some sort of symptoms that made you talk to your doctor to get tested.


BUT that doesn't mean that your body isn't handling this beautifully! Which, on that, a big congrats. Keep your immune system up, and, more importantly, keep your mental health up. If you DO get a tingle, or a little outbreak (and, you might - most cases, I don't know the percentage, will have a recurrence within the first year), don't let it get you down if it does. It just means your body is a little bit tired of working and it's taking a little break :) Be kind to yourself.


I'm going to comment on the HIV concern on your older post, just to put any information I have in that thread so it's easier for other to find, if that's okay!

(your original post: https://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/7124/herpes-and-hiv#latest)

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