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Itching like crazy

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Had a small breakout on my perineum . When I wiped the other day I think I broke open the sore(which was unseen by naked eye only knew it was an ob from taking pic down there with my iPhone)Anyway it's been sore and itchy ever since . I've been using bactine for the pain n itch and then gold bond medicated powder which seems to help. After shower today I didn't put anything as I wanted it to heal on its own and be exposed to as much air as possible . It's 428 am and I'm up Bc I was awaken by the horrible itch that I can't scratch by the way Bc of the spot that it's in. Can someone help me ? I've also been taking Epsom salt baths . I don't usually get obs in this spot . There is no blister there as far as I can see anymore just seems like an open scratch . But it itches like hell and is sore to the touch. The bactine eases the itch a little bit. I just wanted to see if there are any other creams / suggestions any of you could offer me . Thanks

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Forget "letting it heal on it's own" ... after 35 yrs one thing I have learned is to attack the SOB as soon as it rears it's ugly little head.... I'd go back to the Bactine. Gold Bond Powder is not on *my* recommended list... it never helped me much.


I'll put my list below - the zinc cream may help to soothe your issues...fractionated coconut oil is another good option :)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil








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thank you @WCSDancer2010 and @2Legit2Quit... Took a long bath today with epsom salts. the itching has subsided... the soreness and / irritation to the touch is still very present. hoping that starts to fade with time as well . i kind of want to leave it alone as it isn't a blister anymore or typical lesion in nature ... basically just a small gash/ cut in my perineum . So glad I am having Christmas eve... ugh i hate this disease. n yes I am feeling some self pity right now. like I always do. I just don't want to deal with this anymore. It is such an annoyance. I can't plan vacation... shit I can't even plan a wedding for fear I will be limping bc of the big herpe on my vage. will try to get off the coffee and eat better I guess ... I always take lysine n a multi or try my best to anyway.

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For the first time in five months, i am OB free for two weeks since quitting coffee. I replaced it w the Starbucks refresher instead. I might do coffee oncea week or every two, but I noticed I had less locations of an OB w in the first month cutting it out I'm at a month n half or two. I definitely feel it madea big difference. Despite it being just a fissure, I'd still spray Bactine on it. I had fissures for 3 months one time...lol... I'm not sure why I'm laughing at that now, but yeah, it was from H and when I quit the meds. Ironically they didn't hurt at all, yet they kept getting deeper and wider...I cannot believe I'm even giggling telling this story.. It's been almost a year since then... So anyway.. The moral of my story was that, despite it being a fissures, you should still treat it. Lol.. Sorry, i have a buzz after dinner w friends.

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I know dancer says no to goldbond powder but its helped me. I've also taken a small rag and have drenched it with alcohol and have worn it like a pad...I did this thinking it'd dry out the area and kill bacteria/virus (shedding). Each and everyone of us has dif bodies and what works with each individual will be dif. You just gotta figure out what home remedy works best for you. I'm really sorry to hear about the itching, I know exactly how you feel. How long have you been diagnosed? Within my first 6 months of being diagnosed, my itching was crazy. I've been diagnosed for 2 years sometimes my butt gets itchy but not at all as it was when I first was diagnosed: the itching has gotten better with time




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Hey Tina... I have had it for 4 and a half years now. I never tied my butt issues into my hsv but now I realize it is all connected. I took a long epsom salt bath and then did nothing the next 2 days and it healed very quickly and almost miraculously disappeared. I know I have to eat better and be more consistent with my meds... and yes the gold bond def helps me too.. i use the medicated baby powder . :)

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