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Finding a cure for herpes?

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I've had this virus going on 6 yrs now and for the most part, it's just a minor inconvenience at times. My outbreaks are few and far between. I just recently had an outbreak last week and it got me depressed again. I hadn't had an outbreak in over a yr. It really irks my nerve that scientists can develop all types of things, but they can't develop a vaccine for hsv?

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I'm sorry you are down in the dumps about having an OB. I have an OB almost EVERY day of my life, so I think this has desensitized me to having a reaction to an OB and I can find it hard to understand why those who barely have symptoms get upset. W that said, I'll try my best to understand what you're feeling. Listen hun, at this point we have no other choice but to accept our diagnosis, if we don't, we CHOOSE to let it rule us. I have symptoms EVERY SINGLE DAY, a yr n half later after infection and on daily meds. I was already suffering from severe depression, so if I allowed my daily symptoms to rule my emotions, I'd put a bullet in my head by now.


One theory I feel I am starting to come to from having this and being on the forums so long is this and I coukd be wrong: those who after so much time get so upset over an OB, have truly never come to acceptance of the virus.


W that said, I think those who barely have symptoms after their primary, have this ability to then shut off to having the virus and almost go into a state if denial, if that makes sense. So you're so used to having no symptoms, that you've convinced yourself you don't have it. So when you have symptoms again, its a reminder if what you have not fully accepted and pushed out if your mind. Does that make any sense? Don't let this get you down, it's like having a bad acne breakout before your period. You'll be ok.. You're blessed to go so long w no symptoms. Hang in there! Hugs!

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You deserve to love yourself w and w out an OB. It doesn't make you any less of the person you were the day before the OB. Do not let this consume you hun and just keep on being awesome like you were before H, w H, w an OB and w out. It doesn't CHANGE who YOU are. Do you really want yourself or anyone define to you by what's between your legs? You didn't before, so don't let a rash down there now, do the same thing. Take your nightly Epsom salt baths and use bactine spray and you should be cleared up in a couple days. Hugs! Hang in there!

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Regarding the "cure" - there's a couple issues here:


1) Herpes is REALLY good at hiding. Like Lyme disease, it's able to go into a latency (in the nerve ganglion) which makes it VERY hard to get to with medication.


2) Because H isn't life threatening, and for *most*, (beyond their mental issues which vary from person to person) it is mostly a nuisance at worst, and given that 80% don't have symptoms, it's even less (especially if they have not been diagnosed). So the money goes to the things where there is more impact on more people.


3) Then there's the opinion that a cure isn't as lucrative as getting people on life-long anti-virals meds...... :(


I've had H for 35 yrs. I gave up worrying about a cure years ago. If they get one, great ... but I'm not going to lose time sweating over it ......

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