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Why does the herpes virus take a back seat when it comes to developing a vaccine or cure?

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@darkknightx @ihateittoo just read this article on that zika virus or whatever and they are finding that it can be passed through sexual contact. Wonder if this will be labeled and STD as well. It's crazy cause the guy who lives in CO passed it to his wife, despite it not showing in his blood, but it did in his semen.



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Glad you guys managed to settle your spat earlier... I'm not going to comment on that further except to say that if ANYONE is feeling reactive on here, please walk away from the computer (I do it ALL.THE.TIME!). When you come back hopefully you will be able to post your thoughts in ways that won't be taken as an attack or condescending.


You know, I honestly find the idea of big pharmacy ignoring herpes because they make money off treatment, not cure, is kind of silly. You could argue that about any currently uncured condition. The reality is that research and treatment/cure development takes a very long time and a ton of money, and there isn't enough money to go around for every illness. Why spend that money on what is primarily a cosmetic, is sometimes mildly painful skin condition (herpes) when you can focus on a virus or illness that is much more harmful and lethal (zika, HIV, etc). Honestly, while I wish there was less of a stigma around herpes, I'm glad that research money goes to more serious conditions. Progress in medicine is being made - a cure for hepatitis C was developed a few years ago and saved my uncle's (and many other) lives. Also, research is not necessarily linear - a medical treatment developed for another virus could potentially end up cure herpes.


The point of the feeling that they ignore us is, as you have pointed out, their priorities for funding will go to the illnesses that cause the most damage (mental or physical) first. Unfortunately I don't think the Medical community *really* gets how many people are emotionally destroyed and develop severe depression after diagnosis, nor how we seem to have a sub set of the population who REALLY struggle with the virus. Then there's those like @2legit2quit who have autoimmune issues who can't fight it as well....


I believe if they looked at the emotional cost (as in, how many people withdraw from relationships and often never get beyond that) they *might* take H a *little* more seriously. I hope to eventually start some kind of campaign to educate Dr's about the realities of LIVING with Herpes ... as well as better public education, but right now I have a family issue that is taking my focus away from that. Hopefully by this time next year, if not sooner, I'll get back on that horse!

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