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I have been having symptoms and I'm worried sick :(

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I think I was infected a month ago. Since then I have been having symptoms such as tingling, itching, headaches, tingly weird feeling around my anal are, a little discharge, muscle aches, lower back pain, lack of appetite (probably because I know this may be happening and am worried sick) sore throat. 3 days ago I got a bump down there. I went to the doctor yesterday and she said it doesn't look like herpes so she didn't even swab or culture it. I reiterated my symptoms and she said I could be stressed as I am a full time employee, mom, and student. Plus I am a runner. I'm so scared n terrified n feel like I can't kiss my son or hug him or anything. I know stress makes it worse but how do you not? I hate not knowing but I feel like this is what's happening to me. Can this be real? I'm still in shock. With all these symptoms how can I not have it? I'm so sad n terrified. I already had a hard time finding a partner in this life and now this?

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Well take a deep breath and relax, we can't be sure if that just yet. Next time you have something come out, go to planned parenthood. Unfortunately, you're going to need to wait at least another 2 months at a minimum of a blood test.


Don't worry about the partner thing until you get there. This is something I learned the hard way w stressing about it. I had 7 friends w H before I got it and 5 are married, one married twice and one in 9yrs never was rejected. This fear is an irrational one and not something to worry about, until you are at the place to move forward sexually w a partner and need to disclose.

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Take one step at a time, like we need to take one day at a time.

You haven't been diagnosed yet, deal with it then.

Practice safe sex like usual.

The symptoms you are having can be caused by a wide range of things.


And many success stories on this site. I have read many relationships bloom out there in the single life :)

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Hello and Welcome!


I assume your Dr is a GP... either way, time to get a new Dr. NO Dr. can tell you if your bump is Herpes by a visual diagnosis.... she should have done a swab, no matter what. Especially as you have tons of other symptoms. If you went to a GP, get yourself to a Gyno. If you went to a Gyno, find a new one.


You might have a Yeast Infection. Bacterial Vaginosis, even some kind of reaction to the condom or the guys seminal fluid. Or you might have Herpes. And without a proper test/swab, you won't know.


As far as your kids are concerned.... if you have GENITAL herpes, there's no way to pass it to them. You are not oozing the virus from every pore - the virus stays in the nerve ganglion in the area where you get it - in this case, your crotch. Given that they shouldn't be coming in contact with that area, you are quite safe there! And even when it comes to childbirth, most women with H can have a normal birth... I did... you just need monitoring and to know that if there's any chance that you are having an OB they will do a cesarean. Even with Oral Herpes (HSV!/aka Cold Sores) you can kiss your kids... just now with an outbreak and I wouldn't do long, wet, sloppy kisses... but I have both (H1 oral, H2 genital) and I have 2 very healthy, H- grown daughters and a H- grandchild.




As for finding a partner.... don't worry about that right now... but I suggest you read the Success Stories here.... because sooo many on here learn that Herpes makes a GREAT Wingman. Many start PICKING better people to date, which results in many finding deep and profound love like they have never experienced. It's a beautiful thing!




Herpes as a relationship filter Adrial


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