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First outbreak at 65

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Symptoms first presented like a UTI, but after visit to doctor and tests, everything was negative. Tried to explain that I had painful pubic bone, groin and leg pains. Sent me to OB-GYN who said everything looked normal, did more swab tests and another urine. Butt pain, chills, and sore area finally appear near perineum. Another look by a nurse practioner who tried to swab the area, will call with results, could take a week. Next day the blisters appeared but she had given me Valtrex just to be safe. Rough 3 days with lots of pain and she calls to say culture was negative and to stop meds. I told her no way, that things had progressed to blisters and I needed to be seen again. OB-GYN agreed to a quick peek and says, "well, that wasn't there before and yes it appears to be herpes" Keep taking meds, orders bloodwork and swabs area again. The pain slowly got better over the next week. The swab was negative again, she thinks she didn't get enough to culture. The Igg was positive for hv1 but the Igm was negative. What to do going forward from this is my main concern. Partner has never showed any symptoms. We both enjoy oral sex. I would like more testing done to confirm the type and he would like to be tested.

Does the fact that I am older and have vaginal atrophy affect the outbreaks? I should be using vagifem but do not like the side effects. Still having leg pains and feel more tired, but the skin has healed well. I found this forum and have educated myself about the virus, it was a tremendous help. Who should do the testing and when? Thanks for your help.


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Well sounds like HSV 1 OS an old infection. It's too soon for antibodies to show right now ajyway,. You have to wait 3-4 months for a blood test. There's a chance that it could be HSV 2 down there or HSV 1 and let's just say theoretically speaking, you did have ghsv1? Because you're already positive for HSV 1, you won't be able to tell where the infection is, if you don't get it typed by a swab. Right now it's probably best you have your partner tested and next OB, go in w in 48hrs of the obs to be swabbed.

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Yes I know how common HSV 1 is and to get to my age and be positive isn't unusual. But this was my first OB that is for sure. Never had these prodome symptoms before. Could be it was from oral sex, yes. Will have him tested for sure. Is it common to have the leg pains after the virus has calmed down?



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@tango65 I had a hysterectomy at age 42 I'm 57 now. I also had breast cancer which was hormone receptive so I could not do hormone replacement.......hence the vaginal atrophy. It got to where sex was very painful so I asked about vagifem. My Dr put me on the lowest dose as it doesn't travel to the bloodstream and he felt the risk for recurring breast cancer was low considering I'm 14 years out. Anyway, the vagifem has worked as far as replenishment of moisture and no more pain. HOWEVER....it woke everything up down there and I started having tingling everywhere......it drove me nuts and still is. It's like prodrome on steroids. I'm going to try something else. It sort of worries me as I can't distinguish if it's prodrome or the vagifem and don't want to pass herpies on to hubby of 20 yrs who is H-. On the flip side, a dry vagina will produce tears even without intercorse so could possibly bring on ob's.

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