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My VERY weird H story.

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I got blood tested in 24/02/16.

My last sexual activity was in Dec/2015.

I'm experiencing H symptoms since 22/02/16: redness, eletrical shocks all over the body (mainly in legs), low fever for 2 days, but no ulcers, no itching, no pain at all.

I didn't notice a real blister on my penis, but a very tiny wound on a red spot located on the body of my penis.

It wasn't possible to swab, because the tiny wound healed in less than 24 hours.


Two days ago I got the results of my exams.


SUPRISE: It showed negative for both, IGG and IGM for type 1 and 2.


Once my IGG is negative, if I really have H, I was infected recently (because no antibodies were detectable) through NO SEXUAL CONTACT, and the only way I got H was in a toilet or during a visit to my proctologist (I have hemorroids) last week before symptoms.


H is not only spread through skin-to-skin contact, be careful.


Yesterday I decided to repeat the exams, but 95% sure I have H.



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Hey Mr. BG,


Man, this testing stuff is so frustrating. And you're right on about one of the main frustrations is that it does take some time before antibodies can reach a detectable level for most tests. But I can't tell you how many people have contacted us here saying they've gotten false results from IgG tests (and especially IgM tests) even after having had herpes for a while. That's why we really suggest doing the Western Blot test. More expensive, but it's right on.


Here's a page with more specifics:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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as @2legit2quit said, testing at 2 months is FAR too early and you CANNOT get Herpes from a toilet seat. And electric shocks all over the body could be MANY different things.


re-test in April and if you are still not getting a conclusive result, do the Western Blot test as @Adrial mentioned....

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