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Continued Success!

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Hello all!


I hope everyone is doing well :)


To update on my life: I had started seeing someone seriously for a few months; it didn't work out and I ended things a little over a month ago. I took a month hiatus from the dating world to reflect on life, to spend some time by myself, and it was seriously so refreshing.


I just recently last week decided to go back on Plenty of Fish and see what's out there I'm taking a more light hearted and less intense approach to dating at this point in my life and am just thinking "whatever happens, happens".


That being said I've been talking with a few guys, two pretty seriously. I don't believe in rules surrounding disclosure, however it comes out it comes out because I am just not ashamed whatsoever that I have H. My mentality "it is what it is". So, I've disclosure to the two guys I've been spending most of my time talking to this past week and here were the reactions:


"I'll have to think more and talk more with this about your in person, but I still want to talk to you and find you so attractive, it tells a lot about your character for you telling me that and I appreciate it."




"I don't judge you at all, you're beautiful and this just shows me how honest and trustworthy you are, it doesn't change anything".


Honestly, I've been accepted, I've been rejected. The one glowing response I also receive, even when rejected is, THANK YOU for telling me, being honest, giving me a choice" etc, etc.


In my case, I never got a choice, I was given H on purpose by someone I thought cared for me...I am damn proud to say that despite the fear and depression and anger and anxiety that has come with my diagnosis I have ALWAYS been a bigger person and have not let it define me and make me act out of fear or anger; I have let it show my true colors of honesty, integrity, and self worth because I am and we all are worthy of love, H included!




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Thank you for sharing!


I was also on POF and OKC ... I had my status actually IN my profile.... and I had men contacting me to say they found it ATTRACTIVE that I was so honest and forthcoming about my status. THAT is the man I want in my life.... and it sounds like you have 2 prospects who are not judgemental and appreciate integrity. That's a pretty fine start for a relationship IMO!



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