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Do I have a Cold Sore?

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Hi there... Been a while. I have a concern in that I have GHSV2 but to my knowledge have never experienced cold sores. Recently I've been getting these flat rough kinda circular patches on my lips (one or maybe two at a time) very rarely. When I touch them with my tongue they just kinda feel like a piece of rough tape on my lip. There is never a blister and they have no fluid.. Like I say just flat and rough but there is a little bit of tingling which I'm not sure is just my paranoid imagination. This recent patch came up two days ago and is still there but clearing up slowly. Afraid to kiss but not sure if I can get HSV1 at this late stage of having GHSV2. Any clues?


The only definitive answer you'll get is if you get yourself to a doc and get whatever is there swabbed. Might be hard to get enough specimen on the swab since it sounds like it's pretty dry, but that's going to be the best way to get an accurate diagnosis. We can't really give you anything definitive with a description like that, unfortunately. Have you been to the doc about it?

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thank you Adrial and that's right, it is pretty dry. This came up Monday but I've also pretty much cleared it up now with some baobab oil and lip salve. Don't think there's anything to swab now, would I be able to get a blood test that would pick up HSV1 (which is what I assume cold sores strictly are) and not GHSV2 which I already have..?


I think a typical cold sore lasts about a week outside of the primary infection. That sounds like that cleared up pretty quickly. Could they just be dry patches?


Edited to add yes you can get a blood test to see if you have HSV1


Thank you MMissouri, that's what I thought. Cleared up very quickly and harmlessly. Only thing that was concerning me was the tingling that was there. I'd also applied some neat tea tree oil on Monday evening which may have been a bit aggressive. Good to know though about the test which I think I may go ahead and have anyway to check. I probably know the answer to this but is it also possible to have somehow spread GHSV2 to my lip??

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