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First disclosure was a complete success!!

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So I posted on here a little while ago, but basically, I broke up with my boyfriend of two years that gave me H almost two months ago. After the break up I was so lost and very sad because I knew sooner or later I would have to tell someone new about my secret. To my surprise, about two weeks ago I hung out with this boy for the first time and things went very well. After hanging out a few times, I knew I was going to want to tell him eventually..


Two days ago I decided I was as ready as I'd ever be and I took a deep breath, sat him down, and explained my entire story (what I had, how I got it, what it is like). He instantly started asking me questions and after I answered a few, he told me it really was not that big of a deal and that he'd do some research and come up with a plan. Later that night, he texted me saying that everything was going to work out and he did some research and there is nothing to be worried about!! Although it was only two days ago, we are exactly how we were before I told him and I can see things working really well!


I was EXTREMELY nervous for my first disclosure, it was one of the scariest things I have ever had to do. But, once I did it and I got such a positive and caring reaction, it felt like a building was lifted off my shoulders.


Although it is scary, I really encourage everyone to take the chance and do it when they feel ready because the people that are worth being in your life will give you the reaction you deserve!! :))


If anyone wants to talk to me about my first experience please message me! I would love to help.


Congrats on the successful disclosure!

I know that took a lot of courage!

You should really be proud, you took the other person's well being seriously, and offered them the chance to make their own choices. That is a really profound thing!

Keep on being the great person you are, you have nothing to be ashamed of!

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