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Doctor will not prescribe me suppressive therapy

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I have recently (this week) being diagnosed with HSV2. I am 21 and would like to continue my relationships and dating. I have read many people are on suppressive therapy. I would like to be on this to limit the amount of shedding i have so that i can feel safer in having sex with a condom also and not passing it on to my partners. Has anyone else come across this issue? I am Australian and apparently the procedure here is to only have suppressive therapy if their are reoccuring OBs all the time. As my doctor said "Nothing is without side effects, so we would rather wait and see if you get a lot of trouble from this before starting suppressive therapy." For me i would feel a lot better if i was on the suppressive therapy to limit the transmission and im sure my future partners would also.


Just tell the Dr you are having loads of Ob's and constant prodrome. If he doesn't comply, I'd find another. It's not like you are asking for narcotics!!!


I actually had some push back (I'm in the US) about suppression therapy as well since I'm asymptomatic and there was a bigger concern of the long-term effect of the medication. HSV is the less of the concern between the two. However, we eventually concluded that I could get a prescription at least for the short term.


Sounds like you and your doctor disagree about the importance of reducing risk for your partner.

However, there are a lot of reasons they may be concerned about side effects, including other medical conditions.

You can always go get a second opinion, but if there is good reason for them to be concerned about side effects for you specifically, then it might be sound decisions on their part to avoid a prescription.


If your doctor simply doesn't believe in reducing risk of transmission, you might want to find a new doctor.


My doctor told me he wasn't giving anything until they find out what my trigger is or until there is a pattern to my on. I had my first outbreak a year and some change ago. Had my second 2 weeks ago.

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