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I have learned a lot about HSV2 since I contracted the virus by an asymptomatic partner who didn't know they had it. This is how roughly 70% of individuals get infected by the virus - from an asymptomatic person. How? By shedding. Even if there are no lesions or visible sores in the genital area, asymptomatic individuals are "shedding" the virus on their skin. And condoms DO NOT protect individuals from this shedding virus, since it presents on the skin, around the entire genital area. This isn't common knowledge, and I think this is a crucial factor of how the virus is unintentionally spread. 

Therefore, if this virus is inconspicuously transmitted - why does the medical community only "test" for herpes when individuals are experiencing symptoms? This seems counterintuitive and honestly an oversight of the clinicians who know the insidious nature of this virus. I have tried to find articles, research, literally anything that examines the idea of making HSV1 and 2 testing routine; but I have not been successful. 

I am aware of the arguments that claim routine testing for everyone would expose asymptomatic individuals and cause them emotional and psychological harm; however this logic doesn't hold up when the majority of individuals who infect others are asymptomatic at the time. I think the greater psychological harm is when uninfected individuals get their first outbreak and have to inform their asymptomatic partner of the damage they've unintentionally caused them. Both parties are then forced to face this new reality and the asymptomatic partner must come to terms with not only having the virus, but also implicating someone else without knowing. So while the medical community claims they're saving asymptomatic individuals from the truth now, this negligence has long term emotional and psychological effects for both them and their partner.

Why aren't clinicians testing for HSV 1 and 2 when so many remain asymptomatic carriers? Why isn't this the status quo STI testing, alongside Chlamydia and Gonorrhea? I am also curious as to why sexual health and education doesn't inform individuals about the reality of shedding. If this was more "mainstream" knowledge, perhaps individuals would be more inclined to get tested (even if they are asymptomatic). Ultimately, I think the medical community has a lot of work to do in regards to improving the public's knowledge about herpes, as I believe it will ultimately counteract a lot of the stigma surrounding the disease. 

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From what I’ve been told, so many people have herpes that they don’t bother testing.. you have to ask for it. Also it you have type one oral herpes, which are cold sores then it’ll come up in your blood work so you won’t  know if that’s genital or not. You can also get type two orally as well. But I think it’s ridiculous they don’t go ahead and test for it. Technically the most definitive answer to whether or not you have herpes is getting the blisters swabbed and tested. The reason I say this is because in the blood they look for antigens I believe and those can take awhile to build up in your blood stream.


Also and I honestly believe no one really cares about those that have herpes in the medical community. (Just my opinion)  They came out with medicines to help a little bit, but it’s technically not life threatening...despite the emotional trauma it can cause.

Little fun fact that I did was that the first written down case of herpes was during Ancient Greek civilation. I’m so angry by that, that it’s distrubing. 

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This is something that frustrated me as well.  My husband and I went in for testing and asked to be screened for everything prior to our marriage.  A month after we were married, I learned I had GHSV1. When i asked the doctor's office about it, they said they didn't test for H. I don't understand why it's not important to prevent it from possibly being spread further.  If they aren't going to do anything to prevent it, then I agree @bluegirl6 they need to work on minimizing stigma.

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