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Constant herpes outbreaks

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I have been positive with genital hsv 2 for almost a year now, my initial outbreak was uncomfortable but bearable and from everything I had read that was meant to be the worst one so to be honest I dealt with my diagnosis well despite the initial mental blocks. Months went by and nothing I really thought this wouldn’t affect me. However about 5 months in another outbreak much worse but I got through it a month later another and then another. With the most recent one being so painful I went to the emergency room. It is at a point where it is constant, as one outbreak heals another comes up. And it’s in all different spots when originally I only got one lesion in the exact spot each time. I don’t feel my lifestyle has changed much or I’m more stressed so I’m so confused! Why is it only getting worse when everyone said the first is the worst. I’ve been using anti virals but they don’t seem to make much of a difference. Please help, this is getting to a point where it is unbearble and everyday I think about ending it all. I have no partner and feel I’ll be alone forever. Nor would I ever want to risk giving someone this hell of thing. I was able to deal with the virus with no outbreaks but when I’m constantly experiencing physical symptoms the mental ones get much much worse and I can’t cope. Does anyone any advice/natural remedies on reducing outbreaks? 


I’m on suppressive therapy, I have just switched to two times a day and a long term prescription where as before I was just taking them during outbreaks. I’m taking lysine for it in particular but I also take zinc, magnesium, iron and a b complex. All my doctor suggested was the anti virals and stress less so I’m at a loss I don’t know what more to do. 


I started taking oil of oregano and I take 2000mg of lysine and 2000mg vitamin c, 250 mg magnesium, 400 mg vitamin e, I take 2000 mg of b12, I take St. John’s wort, Curmin and turmeric. I went off suppressive therapy because of the side egg of the meds.. I’m looking into taking collolided silver and now also looking in ozone therapy.


okay so it sounds like your doing everything right? I pose a question to you which I would think about before blowing it off. How healthy are you? I mean in general. Are you overweight or a normal BMI, do you eat well or alot of junk, do you work out several times a week or are you sedentary? 


From what I have seen as a nurse I have found no matter what health condition someone has if they have an unhealthy lifestyle their condition has increased severity and complications. Many people try to treat just the disease (diabetes, hypertension, a chronic viral infection, or ectra) with medication targeted to that disease without changing their global health.  


I'm not saying you are unhealthy bc I just don't know but it's perhaps something  consider when thinking about treating a specific disease/condition.    


Well normally I go to gym 4-5 times a week, I walk my dog daily, eat a generally healthy diet 80/20 rule however I was still getting outbreaks and to be honest I have been so depressed I’ve dropped all that and started binge eating and not wanting to get out of bed and sleeping all the time. So that’s probably not helping but I guess I’ve given up a bit...

thank you @Michgirl73 I’ll give the oregano oil and Vit C and hopefully helps! 

19 minutes ago, Jemjem said:

Also @Michgirl73 do you mind mentioning what side effects from the anti virals you got? 

No I don’t mind. I’m dealing with headaches everyday  and hair loss and I was getting a sore throat and sneezing everyday. I also felt fatigued very low energy . My side effects wasn’t to bad until I started my second month and could tell my workouts were harder and harder just to get through. It was like I loss my energy. I stopped taking the antivirals and noticed the side effects are subsiding now. Of course I’m nervous about this because it’s like a waiting game to see if I get outbreaks or not. I’m trying holistic approach plus it’s helping my over all health as well. 

10 hours ago, Michgirl73 said:

No I don’t mind. I’m dealing with headaches everyday  and hair loss and I was getting a sore throat and sneezing everyday. I also felt fatigued very low energy . My side effects wasn’t to bad until I started my second month and could tell my workouts were harder and harder just to get through. It was like I loss my energy. I stopped taking the antivirals and noticed the side effects are subsiding now. Of course I’m nervous about this because it’s like a waiting game to see if I get outbreaks or not. I’m trying holistic approach plus it’s helping my over all health as well. 

Wow my hair has been falling out, have no energy and thought my sneezing was hay fever never even thought to attribute it to the anti virals now I’m worried! 😭

11 minutes ago, Jemjem said:

Wow my hair has been falling out, have no energy and thought my sneezing was hay fever never even thought to attribute it to the anti virals now I’m worried! 😭

I did some research on it and I was taking Valtrex and I think the other ones do it too. I’m looking into ozone therapy as well. I got a ton of supplements and they are going well but man I got a lot I’m taking which some times can be bothersome. I’m just pushing through it. Got get on alkaline diet and switch water to alkaline as well. There so much to know and learn from this it’s exhausting because I want make sure I’m doing the necessary things to get my body healthy and to beat this and to be healthier 

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7 hours ago, Stupida said:

@Michgirl73 @Jemjem how much hair did you lose while on antivirals? Is it diffuse hair thinning or specific spots? Are you off the antivirls? 

I was losing hair in handfuls everyday it was thinning out. The medication side effects causes alopecia and can cause permanent hair loss. I’m off antivirals now.. I’m using more of a holistic approach now. Taking supplements verses the Valtrex. I actually feel a lot better as well, the medication causes me to be fatigued as well. 


@Michgirl73 wow, how long were you on them for? How long have you been off of them?

I have herpes both ohsv2 and ghsv2 but haven’t been on antivirals. Been losing my hair and it’s hasn’t stopped! All tests came back normal. I’m worried that it will be permanent. I’m very upset more so about the hair than hsv.

3 hours ago, Stupida said:

@Michgirl73 wow, how long were you on them for? How long have you been off of them?

I have herpes both ohsv2 and ghsv2 but haven’t been on antivirals. Been losing my hair and it’s hasn’t stopped! All tests came back normal. I’m worried that it will be permanent. I’m very upset more so about the hair than hsv.

I was only on them 3 months and noticed the side effects were getting bad. I have only been off them a week. I have Ghsv1 dx at the end of July 2018 which is supposed to be the milder one.. so I’m hoping I can remain off them and working boosting my immune system and taking supplements to help. Read up on the drug us causes all kinds of issues and if I can remain off I will. The outbreaks are supposed to get lesser in time anyways. I hate this virus!! 😢

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